
The Ultra Wide-bandwidth Low (UWL) receiver developed by CSIRO Space and Astronomy engineers undergoing testing at S&A headquarters in Sydney. This is now the main receiver used for pulsars observations at Parkes.
Work With PULSE@Parkes data sets
The PULSE@Parkes observations are carried out using up-to-date instrumentation in a manner suitable for professional analysis of the data. All observations are available without any embargo period under the P595 observing code from the CSIRO Data Access Portal. The observations are typically 5 to 15 minutes in length with a switched noise source observed prior to each observation. We currently observe using the ultra-wide-bandwidth receiver that operates from 704 to 4032 MHz (details are provided in Hobbs et al. 2020).
PULSE@Parkes observations have, to date, been used to study pulsar intermittency (Kerr et al. 2014 for PSR J1717-4054 and Wang et al. 2020 for PSR J1107-5907). We welcome more use of the data sets and would appreciate a citation to Hobbs et al. (2009), which provides details of the PULSE@Parkes project.
Data Archive
All PULSE@Parkes data is freely and publicly available via the CSIRO Data Access Portal. The PULSE@Parkes project number is P595.
Parkes Telescope
Murriyang, CSIRO’s Parkes radio telescope is part of the Australia Telescope National Facility. We operate an open telescope policy.
View the current telescope schedule.
Information for observers
Credit: Bill Saxton, NRAO/AUI/NSF
Pulsar Astronomy