At CSIRO, we work on developing materials, processes, and instruments towards a seamless transition from laboratory research cells fabrication to industrial-scale production.

We apply scalable printing/coating methods in our laboratory research cells enabling us to rapidly transfer the process to larger-scale production.
Research PV cells
- 10 mm2 cells on a 25 mm-wide ITO-coated flexible printing substrate.
- 240 individual cells per metre.
- Feasibility test cells fabricated using a benchtop roll-to-roll coater/printer.
Research PV mini-modules
- 10 cm x 10 cm test-bed module.
- 5 Serially interconnected cells per module capable of producing voltages exceeding 5V.
- Roll-to-roll fabrication. Metal back-electrode can be evaporated or printed/coated.
PV modules
- 30 cm-wide, with various lengths possible.
- Typically, 16-20 serially interconnected cells per module capable of voltages exceeding 20 V.
PV strings
- Strings of serially interconnected modules up to 30 cm wide.
- Various module lengths possible.
- Length of printed strings only limited by web length or printing equipment capability.
- Printed solar panel strings have been integrated with roofing panels (CRC-P project) and a canopy demonstrator at Melbourne Zoo.
Printing throughput
- Print run length: 25 mm (research cells) to >100 m
- Print widths: 25 mm (research cells) to 30 cm.
Micro-factory for Machine Learning
Our team has developed a research platform utilising a factory-like progression with materials sequentially introduced, modified, and tested on a single continuous table-top roll-to-roll production line. As shown in the image, it comprises an automated R2R fabricator (A), an automated R2R characteriser (B), and a database (C) that stores all collected data, allowing for surrogate machine learning modelling and analyses. Find out more: Flexible Solar Panels and Printed Perovskite Photovoltaics.