Ngarlbugala 2023 welcomes

An image grid of people waving and smiling from different offices. A screenshot from an online meeting.
Our last team meeting of the year, wishing you all a joyous season as we look forward to 2024.
A very happy holidays from the site team here at CSIRO! We all wish you the very best this season and are looking forward to the year ahead.
We have a new staff member to welcome into the Site Entity team, as well as a returning familiar face.
Leanne Brosnan recently joined CSIRO as Project Support Officer with the Site Entity team in Perth. She relocated from Sydney some years back and traded high heels for steelcaps as she ventured out to work on remote resource projects.
Leanne is enjoying the CSIRO culture and looks forward to building her knowledge around the SKA project. Outside work, Leanne is busy with home renovations and doggie play dates as her rescue Staffy learns just how good life can be.
We also welcomed back Geoff King to the team, as he steps into his new role supporting the facilities and infrastructure on the Observatory.