Bruker Tiger XRF

For bulk quantification, the Microbeam Laboratory has expertise in WD-XRF and Wet Chemical analysis, coupled with access to equipment that measures different physical characteristics provides alternative strategies to interrogate different materials.

Our XRF equipment comprises of a:

  • Bruker Tiger 4kW Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF)

CSIRO Mineral Resources generates XRF techniques and associated calibrations and has calibrations available for, but not limited to, aluminosilicates, dolomite, magnesite, limestone, ilmenite and rutile, zircon and zirconia, iron and manganese ores, sulphide ores, pyrometallurgical slags and REE ores. Inhouse expertise and a well optioned XRF allow for the creation, modification and adaptation of XRF calibrations to best suit the materials and the elements of critical interest. Most calibrations can also be applied to metal samples after suitable sample preparation.

The highly precise data collected by XRF provides excellent reproducibility across the concentration range. When analysing homogenous samples, it is common to observe reproducibility of 0.3% or less at high concentrations. This analysis approach has been used extensively to monitor metal composition during the development of novel titanium and titanium alloy production processes.

Bulk composition can also be determined with the µXRF, typically many point analyses are combined to achieve the average composition.