The JEOL JXA-8500F Field Emission Gun Electron Probe Micro-Analyser (FEG-EPMA) provides for x-ray mapping and microanalysis. It has high elemental sensitivity (~10 ppm depending upon element) and has broad elemental sensitivity (Be-U).
At a glance:
- 5 WDS spectrometers
- 2 Bruker XFLASH 6010 silicon drift detector energy dispersive spectrometers (SDD-EDS)
- xClent hyperspectral CL detection system(UV to IR, spectral resolutions)
- Plasma cleaning system
- Optically encoded stage with 0.02 micron resolution
- Large stage allowing for specimens up to 100mm × 100mm
- Transmitted light stage and optics
- Qualitative and quantitative mapping using either beam or stage stepping
- Elemental analysis from Beryllium to Uranium
- Liquid nitrogen trap for light element analysis

Common applications
- Large-area mapping of mineral ores and concentrates, including identification of mineral species, and quantification of composition.
- Valuable and penalty element deportment characterisation for mineral separation and processing, including tracking changes in phase abundance, phase composition, and trace element concentrations.
- Corrosion/reaction studies of alloys, electrochemical electrodes, furnace refractories, and other industrial products.
- High-resolution mapping of fine-textured minerals and synthetic materials.