Exploration for intrusion-hosted magmatic Ni-Cu-Co using whole-rock geochemistry [publication]

July 20th, 2022

Nickel, copper and cobalt are hot targets for today’s explorers. Demand is projected to rise and keep rising with
the expected upsurge in demand for the electric vehicle market. Magmatic sulfide deposits host all of these elements, plus
in many cases significant quantities of platinum group elements (PGEs), so a good discovery is a holy grail for the
mining industry. Even relatively small deposits by global standards, such as the Savannah deposit in the Kimberley region of
Western Australia, contain billions of dollars’ worth of metals (about AU$3.5 billion for Savannah at February 2022
spot prices). Therefore, important questions for the reader include what are magmatic sulfide deposits and how can we use
geochemistry as a tool in exploring for them?

Steve Barnes aims to answer this question in issue #195 (june 2022) of the EXPLORE magazine:


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