Secure and sustainable wearable networks
[Body Area Network Radio Channel Measurement Set.
Previously at Now found at this link. (More information also there). This is a very large library (many 100’s of hours of wearables network data) of Wireless Body Area Network (BAN) channel measurements of BAN radio channel transmit-receive link gain (many different transmit-receive positions)]
Rising popularity of wearable devices
Wearable devices such as smartwatches, smartglasses and fitness bands are becoming increasingly popular as they show promise in providing a number of attractive and useful services to the users. Wearable devices are equipped with sophisticated sensors that are capable of collecting personal data to support personalized service such as fitness and health apps. The challenges of current wearables networks are:
Sustained operation
Almost all existing wearable devices are currently powered by batteries. Moreover, the majority of popular wearable apps do not efficiently utilize the scarce resources available on these devices.
Secure Authentication
As wearables have the capabilities to monitor, store and transmit sensitive personal data, privacy and security issues of wearables have become a major concern for individuals. Without proper authentication mechanisms, anyone who has got the device potentially has access to the information stored on it.
Secure Communication
More often than not, sensitive information collected by wearables is transferred to cloud servers for processing, storage and visualization. Due to the sensitivity of the personal data collected by wearables, a secure communication protocol must be used.