IVC Philippines is GO!

October 27th, 2021

The Inclusive Value Chains Philippines project has commenced! In a series of online inception workshops over October and November 2021, the project team are coming together to re-establish priorities, build capacity, and review our workplans in the context of a new operating environment in the Philippines.

The inception workshop series comprises of a topics designed to bring the team together and build a common base of knowledge across underpinning approaches.

  • Session 1: recap of project objectives and the current case study context,
  • Session 2: applications of ethical community engagement perspectives for value chains,
  • Session 3: integrated assessment approaches for monitoring evaluation and learning,
  • Session 4: a review of our workplan, and
  • Session 5: research ethics and privacy.

Nothing will replace bringing the team together in person, but with COVID limiting our ability to travel, the team is using a range of tools to enhance collaboration, including online white boards.