
Heinz Schandl
- With a background in Sociology and Social and Economic Sciences, Dr Heinz Schandl investigates the co-evolution of social and ecological systems and their transition to sustainability. Areas of research expertise include social systems analysis and institutional analysis, co-evolution of social and ecological systems, measuring and modelling of sustainability, integrated analysis and assessment of sustainability, sustainable production and consumption, resource use governance and sustainability transitions.

George Verikios
- Dr George Verikios has extensive and diverse experience in economic analysis with an excellent national and international reputation in economic modelling. He is an expert in economic modelling and has built, overseen and contributed to the development of many global and national economic models, and their application to the evaluation of diverse topics. These include the economic effects of climate change, the circular economy, pandemic outbreaks, COVID-19 vaccination, tax policy, impact analysis, transport policy and projects, tourism policy, chronic diseases, trade liberalisation, and income distribution. George has consulting, research and training experience in the university, public and private sectors.

Yingying Lu
- Yingying Lu got her PhD in Economics in 2013 from the Australian National University. Her research has been focused on economic modelling which is applied to climate change policy and energy policy. Yingying has expertise in Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling and she has published quite a few papers on peer-reviewed journals such as Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Applied Energy, World Economy and International Review of Economics and Finance, Industrial Ecology and Resource, and Conservation and Recycling. Yingying was also involved in several big projects since she joined in CSIRO in 2017: Australia National Outlook II and International Resource Panel’s Global Resource Outlook 2019 and 2024 (ongoing).

Raymundo Marcos-Martinez
- Ray is an economist with expertise in agricultural and natural resource economics, spatial data science, and digital technology. He has led research projects worth over $1 million, focusing on sustainability challenges in agriculture, food and urban systems in Australia, the U.S., and the ASEAN region. Ray has developed innovative tools and frameworks for estimating the material and environmental footprint of Australian buildings and valuing ecosystem services from urban forests. He has delivered projects requiring coordination with domestic and international partners and has a reputation as an international expert in sustainable agriculture and food systems. Ray has published 29 papers in top policy-oriented journals, three book chapters and 19 client reports. He has ongoing collaborations with top international research institutions such as the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the US Forest Service, the University of California, the University of Queensland and Deakin University.

Marc Mariano
- Marc’s expertise is in economic modelling and analysis. This has been demonstrated through his diverse experience in consulting, research and teaching in the private and public sectors, and academia. Marc has contributed to the development of state-of-the-art Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models, and have applied them to understand the economywide impact of major projects on industries at the regional, state and national levels. The assessment of economic impacts includes topics such as climate change, circular economy, energy and minerals, transport and other infrastructure, defence, and tourism sectors, among others. Marc also conducts macro-micro simulation analysis to evaluate the distributional effects of taxation and other government policies as well as that of economic events like the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Results of such economic analysis are used as the basis of advice and decision-making to a wide range of domestic and international organisations, both in the private and public sectors. Marc has published several peer-reviewed articles in scholarly journals, and presented his research papers in conferences.

Duy Nong
- Duy specialises in computable general equilibrium modelling development for economic, climate change, environmental, and energy studies. He is pursuing the development of a set of global and national computable general equilibrium and partial equilibrium models to study the impact of climate variability on agricultural and food systems. He is also interested in research to investigate the sustainability implications of bioeconomic transformation on global land-use change, agricultural production, food security, energy security, emission levels and others. His work also covers studies related to climate change impacts on energy sectors, agriculture, food security and livelihoods, as well as climate change mitigation policies, particularly in Australia and developing countries. He is passionate about helping countries and regional households to better adapt to climate change and achieve sustainable development. He has participated in major projects in various countries to address climate change issues, such as the ARC Linkage Project, US National Science Foundation Project, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research Project, CSIRO-ABARES Modelling Collaboration Project, UNDP Global Resource Panel Project, UN Bangladesh Feasible Study Project, and others. Duy was among the top five early career researchers in Social Sciences in Australia selected by the Australian in September 2020 and a VEBLEO Fellow.

Shelley Rodriguez
- Shelley’s work within CSIRO currently focuses on project management of integrated assessment projects within the banking and insurance industry, Australian Government and CSIRO strategically funded APaIR projects. Prior to these, Shelley managed a spin out for Mineral Resources which involved managing the relationship between CSIRO and its spin out company, six clients and nine projects. During Shelley’s time with CSIRO’s Land and Water Business Unit, she contributed to research relating to public perceptions and attitudes to Australia’s future sustainability with an emphasis on understanding individual social choices, world views and future sustainability scenario preferences, and to understanding public perceptions of the challenges to and definitions of sustainability and who is responsible for informing the Australian National Outlook. Shelley has also contributed to low carbon energy technology uptake research focused on legislative mechanisms and instruments that aid or impede energy technology uptake with a view to defining best practice for policy and decision makers seeking to develop energy technology policy that will resonate with the Australian public.

Tim Capon
- Tim is an agricultural and environmental economist who researches decision-making and market behaviour under conditions of risk and uncertainty to inform policy evaluation and development. Tim’s research draws on theories from economics and psychology to promote more sustainable agricultural and environmental outcomes. Applications include work on economic resilience and real options analysis, climate change adaptation, environmental markets and natural resource management, and plant and animal biosecurity.

Trang Tran
- Trang is interested in Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling such as developing the ORANI-G model, the GTAP-E model, and the GTEM model to measure the effect of carbon price mechanism, international trade policies, and natural resources constraint. Trang is also interested in Partial Equilibrium Model, such as the GLOBIOM model with using GAMs software. Trang has experience in constructing Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Australia, standard GTAP database, and GTAP AEZ database. She currently works in the project of Economist and Foresight Modelling with incorporating land and water resources into GTEM model for agricultural and food system study.