Online survey: Identifying priority areas for sustainable natural resource management in Southeast Asia
Dear colleague,
I am writing to you to request your help with providing feedback on the research needs for decoupling economic development and human wellbeing from environmental pressures and impacts in the ASEAN region to inform the establishment of an ASEAN Resource panel modelled after the UNEP International Resource Panel. We would be very thankful if you could spend a little time to respond to a short survey that we are sharing with you. I would also like to provide some background about the ASEAN Resource Panel and CSIRO’s role in the process.
The establishment of an ASEAN Resource Panel (ARP) was suggested in the Complementarities Report that ESCAP and the ASEAN Secretariat developed and is intended to address the need for sustainable resource management in the ASEAN region. The Panel will specifically serve the ASEAN Member States and the region with research and knowledge products on how to manage natural resources better. The ARP will assess scientific knowledge and translate it into practical policy recommendations and workable action plans. The ARP will conduct regular dialogue with stakeholders, provide guidance, and raise awareness for ASEAN countries through research, review, and assessment of policies, practices, and public materials. As a science-policy interface, ARP will engage policymakers, and other stakeholders, thereby supporting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals process in the ASEAN region. It is hoped this will constitute an enabling mechanism for achieving the outcomes of the 2030 Development Agenda. In addition, the ARP will develop policy recommendations to enhance the governance and management of natural resources, guide environmental and national action plans and foster regional cooperation to improve resource efficiency.
The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), in collaboration with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), would like to invite you to participate in a survey about natural resource management in Southeast Asia. Your input will help develop the initial workplan for establishing the ASEAN Resource Panel.
The survey “Identifying priority areas for sustainable natural resource management in Southeast Asia” will be online until June, 2023. To participate, please click on the link below.
We kindly ask you to share this invitation with other experts in the field.
More information about how CSIRO is supporting ESCAP and the ASEAN Community to establish the ASEAN Resource Panel can be found at
I personally thank you for participating in this survey and for providing valuable insights to improve resource use in the ASEAN community. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
With sincere regards,
Heinz Schandl
CSIRO Senior Science Leader
Member of the UNEP International Resource Panel
Past president of the International Society of Industrial Ecology