
April 2nd, 2024

Global Biosphere Management Model

The IIASA Global Biosphere Management Model (GLOBIOM) is used to analyze the competition for land use between agriculture, forestry, and bioenergy, which are the main land-based production sectors.

As such, the model can provide scientists and policymakers with the means to assess, on a global basis, the rational production of food, forest fiber, and bioenergy, all of which contribute to human welfare.


The partial-equilibrium model represents various land use-based activities, including agriculture, forestry and bioenergy sectors.

The model is built following a bottom-up setting based on detailed grid-cell information, providing the biophysical and technical cost information.

This detailed structure allows a rich set of environmental parameters to be taken into account. Its spatial equilibrium modelling approach represents bilateral trade based on cost competitiveness.

More information.