Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land & Energy
Our food and land systems are at the heart of many of today’s complex challenges: healthy diets for all, mitigating climate change, halting biodiversity loss, and reducing global inequities. Yet countries are unprepared to tackle these challenges. They lack national food and land use system pathways and targets consistent with global sustainability goals such as the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Global models can help to frame better policies, but do not reflect the diversity of national policy options and pathways and critical cultural contexts. In contrast, national assessments are challenged to articulate their contributions to global goals.
The FABLE Consortium is a global network of national research organizations developing national-scale food and land-use strategies aligned with global goals. FABLE fosters problem-solving across countries, through scenario marathons “Scenathons”, experience sharing on stakeholder engagement, co-development of common open tools, and policy learning between countries facing similar challenges.

More information: https://fableconsortium.org/