CSIRO’s experience

CSIRO’s experience in water management

Founded in 1926 in Australia, CSIRO is the most importante research organization in Australia, and is among the 10 main centers of the world. Among its inventions, there is the spectroscopy, Wifi, polymer bills, insect repellent Aerogard, the compact disc (together with Phillips). CSIRO is considered one of the biggest innovations and technology developing centers at a global level, with projects in mining, food, energy, astronomy, Big Data management and others.

The office in Chile is the first subsidiary office of CSIRO outside of Australia. Invited by the Chilean government in 2010 to participate in the International Centres of Excellence in R+D calling, CSIRO is installed officially in 2011 with an International Center of Excellence in Mining.

In 2013, CSIRO Chile broadens its field to developing capabilities in other areas beyond mining, such as water management, aquaculture resource management, health and energy, among others.


Experience in water management

CSIRO is the Australian expert in the development of solutions for complex challenges in water resource management. Its business unit called “Land & Water” includes approximately 700 people, an annual budget of about US$ 100 millions and a portafolio of about 400 projects.

This unit accompanies and supports different government and private actors in a comprehensive way in matter of water management, by providing technology and tools for the integrated management of water, approaches bases on scientific evidence to support management and regulation decisions, and deliberative and participative approximations to obtaining agreements in water management in the long term.


In Chile

Since 2012, CSIRO is working with the DGA (water authority) to approach water scarcity in the Copiapó river basin. CSIRO Chile has reinforced this work through the development of other projects in the Atacama and O’Higgins regions, granting solutions from applied science for the challenges of water management.

CSIRO’s Land & Water project examples:

  1. Sustainable Extractions 2007-2013
  2. Water Information Research and Development Alliance 2009-2016
  3. Bioregional Assessment Programme 2013-2016
  4. Flinder and Gilbert Agricultural Resource Assessment 2012-2013