Food materials and food chemistry

We investigate the physicochemical, techno-functional and flavour attributes of foods and ingredients to deliver quality and value-addition for the food industry.

Key food materials and food chemistry resources available to industry

We help companies:

  • measure food texture and optimise quality through formulation
  • quantifying processing effects on food quality and composition
  • design encapsulation technologies for food stability and targeted molecular release
  • develop value-addition strategies for new ingredients and foods.

Our key services available to industry

  • capability in the objective measurement of food texture, rheology and proximate composition
  • analytical tools to measure food aroma and flavour molecules, lipids and fatty acids, sugars and other important nutrients and antinutrients
  • processes for valorising food materials including meat and plant protein
  • assessing the functionality of ingredients from co-products
  • understanding the oxidative stability of food during storage
  • expertise in meat science and encapsulation
  • food processing pilot plants in Victoria and Queensland.

Our analytical expertise supporting our food materials and chemistry research includes

  • rheometers, rapid visco-analysers and texture analysers
  • rapid direct mass spectral technology platforms (REIMS and RADIAN)
  • low-fields nuclear magnetic resonance
  • liquid and gas chromatographs
  • differential scanning colorimetry
  • static and dynamic light scattering measurements of particle size.

To discuss what we can do for your business

Team leader food materials

Team leader, food chemistry