Update on FMD Ready’s Sub-Project 2 Goat Innovation Pilot

August 25th, 2020

Like many of us, the FMD Ready Project is relying on technology to stay connected during the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions.

On Mon 17 August the FMD Ready Project’s Goat Innovation Pilot (IP), based in South Australia, came together in a virtual setting. Despite on farm commitments, several producers were present – there was even a goat chiming in at times!

A key highlight for participants was training in farm biosecurity planning, presented by Emily Buddle from AHA and supported by Pene Keynes from Livestock SA. The group also discussed the Goat Disease Guide for producers, which has been developed by the group and is in the final stages of production.

Whilst the project is coming to an end, many members of this group will be a part of the new SA Goat Industry Council of Australia Committee, which will continue to raise awareness of biosecurity in the goat industry.

Learn more about sub-project 2 at https://research.csiro.au/fmd/farmer-led-surveillance/.