Sub-project 3 – July 2018

February 18th, 2019

  • Information has been collected from jurisdictional and industry stakeholders via workshops and surveys to find out what the costs and benefits are of using vaccination as part of an FMD response strategy and how these vary depending on the particular circumstances of an outbreak (e.g. location and types of animals effected).
  • Some of this information has been used to update the costs of FMD control measures for use in the Australian Animal Disease Spread model (AADIS) simulation software. Inputs from jurisdictional and industry stakeholders has also helped inform the selection of outbreak scenarios and control strategies for AADIS simulations. The research team would like to thank all of the jurisdictions for their efforts in responding to requests for information and compiling the information needed for this study.
  • AADIS simulations are first being run to investigate the effectiveness of vaccination as part of available control measures described in AUSVETPLAN within the set of outbreak scenarios developed. Further simulations will then be run using the new post-outbreak surveillance module in AADIS developed by the Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis (CEBRA).
  • This post-outbreak module is being used in the current project to conduct an analysis of the consequences of different vaccination strategies on post-outbreak surveillance for FMD in Australia and how rapid return to trade might be supported, should an outbreak occur.