Demo farm

The primary goal of the initiative is to partner with an Indigenous organisation to co-design a pilot demonstration extensive prawn farm. The purpose of the demonstration farm is to evaluate the viability of the extensive prawn farming model for northern Australia. A CSIRO desktop study evaluated a range of extensive prawn farming models for northern Australia. The models were developed using our researchers experience of extensive prawn farming in south east Asia as well as semi-intensive farming here in Australia. Below is an example of the demonstration extensive prawn farm design. The final design would be in partnership with the Indigenous organisation and to suit local conditions.


Figure 1. Example demonstration farm design (drawing not to scale)


Figure 2. Cross section of a of the example demonstration farm pond (drawing not to scale).


Design features

  • Site is located above the intertidal zone (Figure 1)
  • Total pond area is approximately 10 ha
  • 4 production ponds for growing prawns
  • 2 bioremediation ponds for water management
  • Pond size is 1.5 ha each and 1.5 m deep
  • Research tanks to support additional testing and feasibility assessments
  • Water pumping station
  • Supply channel and wastewater channels for moving water around the site

Operating features

  • Prawn stocking density 2-3 prawns/m2
  • No or minimal supplementary feeding
  • No mechanical aeration
  • Harvest prawns for market when approximately 50g each
  • Estimated productivity of the farm is 400-600 kg/ha/year