A day well spent at the Korweinguboora expo talking all things evacuation with the community

Demonstration by Forest Fire Management Victoria. Image: Pawan Gamage
The Korweinguboora Emergency Preparedness Expo 2023 was organised to by the Korweinguboora Emergency Group Inc., with support from the Moorabool Shire Council and the emergency services. The main goal of this event was to inform the community on better preparedness for the upcoming fire season. Our team demonstrated CSIRO’s SAFER and SEEKER tools and how they can be utilised by the emergency services and communities to improve planning for evacuations in a bushfire emergency.

Korweinguboora Emergency Preparedness Expo. Images: Pawan Gamage

More than 100 community members attended the Expo, and 100% of those that provided feedback to organisers stated that the Expo has made them feel more prepared for the next emergency. What a terrific outcome!