Instrumentation (remote and proximal)
Cudahy, T.J., L.B. Whitbourn, P.M. Connor, P. Mason, and R.N. Phillips. ‘Mapping Surface Mineralogy and Scattering Behavior Using Backscattered Reflectance from a Hyperspectral Midinfrared Airborne CO/Sub 2/ Laser System (MIRACO/Sub 2/LAS)’. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 37, no. 4 (July 1999): 2019–34.
Hausknecht, P., Lew Whitbourn, Phil Connor, Julien Flack, Geoff Wells, Peter Mason, Jon F. Huntington, Robert Hewson, and Steve Batty. ‘OARS – A New System for Mapping Surface Mineralogy Simultaneously with Airborne Geophysics’. Exploration Geophysics 32, no. 2 (1 June 2001): 102–6.
Whitbourn, L.B., Phillips, R.N., James, G., O’Brien, M.T., and Waterworth, M.D. ‘An Airborne Multiline CO2 Laser System for Remote Sensing of Minerals’. Journal of Modern Optics 37, no. 11 (1 November 1990): 1865–72.
Whitbourn, L. B., T. J. Cudahy, J. F. Huntington, P. M. Connor, P. Mason, R. N. Phillips, and P. Hausknecht. ‘Airborne and Laboratory Remote Sensing Applications of the CSIRO CO 2 Laser Spectrometer MIRACO 2 LAS’. edited by Ram M. Narayanan and James E. Kalshoven, Jr., 109. Orlando, FL, USA, 1997.
Schodlok, M. C., L. Whitbourn, J. Huntington, P. Mason, A. Green, M. Berman, D. Coward, et al. ‘HyLogger-3, a Visible to Shortwave and Thermal Infrared Reflectance Spectrometer System for Drill Core Logging: Functional Description’. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 63, no. 8 (16 November 2016): 929–40.
Calibration/Validation & Workflows
Ben Dor, E., Ong, C. and Lau, I.C. ‘Reflectance Measurements of Soils in the Laboratory: Standards and Protocols’. Geoderma 245–246 (May 2015): 112–24.
González, R.; Toledano, C.; Román, R.; Mateos, D.; Asmi, E.; Rodríguez, E.; Lau, I.C.; Ferrara, J.; D’Elia, R.; Antuña-Sánchez, J.C.; Cachorro, V.E.; Calle, A.; de Frutos, Á.M. Characterization of Stratospheric Smoke Particles over the Antarctica by Remote Sensing Instruments. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3769.
Lau, I.C., Cindy C. H. Ong, Kurt J. Thome, Brian Wenny, Andreas Mueller, Uta Heiden, Jeff Czapla-Myers, et al. ‘Intercomparison of Field Methods for Acquiring Ground Reflectance at Railroad Valley Playa for Spectral Calibration of Satellite Data’. In IGARSS 2018 – 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 186–88. Valencia: IEEE, 2018.
ABC Catalyst: The trio “sail” on Lake Lefroy and meet scientists using the salt lakes to keep satellites accurate:
Regional to continental-scale mineral mapping
Caccetta, Michael, Simon Collings, and Thomas Cudahy. ‘A Calibration Methodology for Continental Scale Mapping Using ASTER Imagery’. Remote Sensing of Environment 139 (December 2013): 306–17.
Cudahy, T.J., Caccetta, M., Cornelius, A., Hewson, R.D., Wells, M., Skwarnecki, M., Halley, S., Hausknecht, P., Mason, P., and Quigley, M., (2005). ‘Regolith geology and alteration mineral maps from new generation airborne and satellite remote sensing technologies; and Explanatory Notes for the Kalgoorlie-Kanowna 1:100,000 scale map sheet, remote sensing mineral maps. Perth, MERIWA Report No. 252, 114pp.
Cudahy, Thomas, Mike Caccetta, Matilda Thomas, Robert Hewson, Michael Abrams, Masatane Kato, Osamu Kashimura, et al. ‘Satellite-Derived Mineral Mapping and Monitoring of Weathering, Deposition and Erosion’. Scientific Reports 6, no. 1 (April 2016): 23702.
Cudahy, T. J and Minerals and Energy Research Institute of Western Australia. Regolith, Geology and Alteration Mineral Maps from New Generation Airborne and Satellite Remote Sensing Technologies: Results of Research Carried out as MERIWA Project No. M370. East Perth, WA: MERIWA, 2005.
Hewson, R.D., Cudahy, Mizuhiko, S., Ueda, K., and Mauger, A. J. (2005). ‘Seamless geological map generation using ASTER in the Broken Hill-Curnamona Province of Australia.’ Remote Sensing Environment, Vol. 99, pp. 159-172.
Hewson, R.D., Cudahy, T.J., Drake-brockman, J., Meyers., J., and Hashemi, A., (2006). ‘Mapping geology associated with manganese mineralization using spectral sensing techniques at Woodie Woodie, East Pilbara.’ Exploration Geophysics, Vol. 37, pp. 389-400.
Hewson, R.D., and Cudahy, T.J., (2011). ‘Issues Affecting Geological Mapping with ASTER Data: A Case Study of the Mt Fitton Area, South Australia,’ In Land Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change: NASA’s Earth Observing System and the Science of ASTER and MODIS: Applications in ASTER, Ed B. Ramachandran, Springer-Verlag, New York. ISBN: 978-1-4419-6748-0
Lau, Ian C., Cindy C. H. Ong, Carsten Laukamp, Patrice de Caritat, and Matilda Thomas. ‘The Acquisition and Processing of Voluminous Spectral Reflectance Measurements of Soils and Powders for National Datasets’. In 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 4482–84. Fort Worth, TX: IEEE, 2017.
Laukamp, C., Haest, M., Cudahy, T. (2021): The Rocklea Dome 3D Mineral Mapping Test Data Set.- Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 1371–1383, 2021,
Ong, Cindy, Tom Cudahy, Mike Caccetta, Andrew Rodger, Ian Lau, Carsten Laukamp, Alex Possingham, et al. ‘HyMap Surveys Acquired during EOC Science Campaigns’. CSIRO, 2014.
Vegetation Unmixing
Diligent vegetation unmixing is indispensable for using EOI for mineral exploration
Figure from Haest et al. (2013): A–B: Fe-(oxyhydr-)oxide (Fe-Ox) abundance maps of the Rocklea Dome without (A) and with (B) vegetation unmixing. C–E: Fe-Ox abundance maps of the southern part of the Beasley River CID with (C) and without (E) vegetation removal and the false colour image of this area (D). The Beasley River CID has a plateau like surface expression, with the edges of the plateau clearly visible in the false colour image. These edges where mapped by the Geological Survey of Western Australia as representing the boundary of the pisolitic limonite (Fe-rich palaeochannel; white stippled line) (the Fe-Ox abundance measurements collected along transects 1 to 7 with the TerraSpecTM are also shown for reference).
Haest, Maarten, Thomas Cudahy, Andrew Rodger, Carsten Laukamp, Evelien Martens, and Mike Caccetta. ‘Unmixing the Effects of Vegetation in Airborne Hyperspectral Mineral Maps over the Rocklea Dome Iron-Rich Palaeochannel System (Western Australia)’. Remote Sensing of Environment 129 (February 2013): 17–31.
Rodger, Andrew, and Thomas Cudahy. ‘Vegetation Corrected Continuum Depths at 2.20µm: An Approach for Hyperspectral Sensors’. Remote Sensing of Environment 113, no. 10 (October 2009): 2243–57.
3D Mineral Mapping
Figure 3D mineral models of the Rocklea Dome area (Cudahy, 2016). Scene centre is approximately 22.8216° latitude 117.4652° longitude. (a) A southwest oblique 3D view of the Rocklea Dome study area showing kaolin disorder measured using airborne HyMap™ (surface) and drill core HyLogger™ (coloured vertical pegs) reflectance spectra. Warmer colours (well-ordered kaolin) relate to weathered, in situ bedrock, while cooler colours (poorly-ordered kaolin) relate to transported (alluvium/colluvium) materials. The interpolated model of the base of the channel iron system calculated using the 3D kaolin crystallinity map is shown by the shaded grey surface. The CID, which was calculated from the XRF-derived % FeO (Haest et al., 2012a), is shown by a shaded red volume (C). Areas of weathered bedrock (Haest et al., 2012b; Cudahy, 2016) are highlighted by yellow-coloured hashed lines and highlight which drill cores were sunk into barren ground (D, E, F, G). A white straight line shows the location of the cross-section (A–B) presented in (b); (b) Cross section A–B in (a) of the % FeO measured from the drill core and airborne imagery, which was vegetation unmixed (Haest et al., 2013). Orange, dotted polygon indicates the shell of iron ore, which extends from under cover of ~20 m of alluvium (H) to exposed at the surface (I).
Haest, M., T. Cudahy, C. Laukamp, and S. Gregory. ‘Quantitative Mineralogy from Infrared Spectroscopic Data. I. Validation of Mineral Abundance and Composition Scripts at the Rocklea Channel Iron Deposit in Western Australia’. Economic Geology 107, no. 2 (1 March 2012): 209–28.
Haest, M., T. Cudahy, C. Laukamp, and S. Gregory. ‘Quantitative Mineralogy from Infrared Spectroscopic Data. II. Three-Dimensional Mineralogical Characterization of the Rocklea Channel Iron Deposit, Western Australia’. Economic Geology 107, no. 2 (1 March 2012): 229–49.
Algorithms & workflows
Green, A.A., M. Berman, P. Switzer, and M.D. Craig. ‘A Transformation for Ordering Multispectral Data in Terms of Image Quality with Implications for Noise Removal’. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 26, no. 1 (January 1988): 65–74.
Rodger, A.; Ramanaidou, E.; Laukamp, C.; Lau, I. A Qualitative Examination of the Iron Boomerang and Trends in Spectral Metrics across Iron Ore Deposits in Western Australia. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 1547.
Rodger, Andrew. ‘SODA: A New Method of in-Scene Atmospheric Water Vapor Estimation and Post-Flight Spectral Recalibration for Hyperspectral SensorsApplication to the HyMap Sensor at Two Locations’. Remote Sensing of Environment 115, no. 2 (15 February 2011): 536–47.
Rodger, Andrew, Carsten Laukamp, Maarten Haest, and Thomas Cudahy. ‘A Simple Quadratic Method of Absorption Feature Wavelength Estimation in Continuum Removed Spectra’. Remote Sensing of Environment 118 (March 2012): 273–83.
Jakob, Sandra, Richard Gloaguen, and Carsten Laukamp. ‘Remote Sensing-Based Exploration of Structurally-Related Mineralizations around Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia’. Remote Sensing 8, no. 5 (25 April 2016): 358.
Regolith case studies
Cudahy, T., Jones, M., Thomas, M., Cocks, P., Agustin, F., Caccetta, M., Hewson, R., Verrall M., and Rodger A., (2010). Mapping Soil Surface Mineralogy at Tick Hill, North-Western Queensland, Australia, Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery. In: Viscarra Rossel, R., McBratney, A., Minasny, B. (eds) Proximal Soil Sensing. Progress in Soil Science. Springer, Dordrecht.
De Boissieu, Florian, Brice Sevin, Thomas Cudahy, Morgan Mangeas, Stéphane Chevrel, Cindy Ong, Andrew Rodger, et al. ‘Regolith-Geology Mapping with Support Vector Machine: A Case Study over Weathered Ni-Bearing Peridotites, New Caledonia’. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 64 (February 2018): 377–85.
Hewson, R.D., T.J. Cudahy, S. Mizuhiko, K. Ueda, and A.J. Mauger. ‘Seamless Geological Map Generation Using ASTER in the Broken Hill-Curnamona Province of Australia’. Remote Sensing of Environment 99, no. 1–2 (November 2005): 159–72.
Laukamp, C., W. Salama, and I. González-Álvarez. ‘Proximal and Remote Spectroscopic Characterisation of Regolith in the Albany–Fraser Orogen (Western Australia)’. Ore Geology Reviews 73 (March 2016): 540–54.
Mineral Systems case studies
Sorrentino, A., Chirico, R., Corrado, F., Laukamp, C., Di Maitre, D., Mondillo, N. (2024): The application of PRISMA hyperspectral satellite imagery for mapping distinct hydrothermal alteration zones in the Marimaca Copper Project and the Río Blanco-Los Bronces Cu-Mo porphyry districts.- Ore Geology Reviews 167, 105998.
Chirico, R., Mondillo, N., Laukamp, C., Mormone, A., Di Martire, D., Novellino, A., Balassone, G. (2023): Mapping hydrothermal and supergene alteration zones associated with carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb deposits by using PRISMA satellite imagery supported by field-based hyperspectral data, mineralogical and geochemical analysis.- Ore Geology Reviews, 152, 1052444.
Duuring, P., S. G. Hagemann, Y. Novikova, T. Cudahy, and C. Laukamp. ‘Targeting Iron Ore in Banded Iron Formations Using ASTER Data: Weld Range Greenstone Belt, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia’. Economic Geology 107, no. 4 (1 June 2012): 585–97.
Lampinen, Heta M., Carsten Laukamp, Sandra A. Occhipinti, Václav Metelka, and Samuel C. Spinks. ‘Delineating Alteration Footprints from Field and ASTER SWIR Spectra, Geochemistry, and Gamma-Ray Spectrometry above Regolith-Covered Base Metal Deposits—An Example from Abra, Western Australia☼’. Economic Geology 112, no. 8 (1 December 2017): 1977–2003.
Lampinen, Heta M., Carsten Laukamp, Sandra A. Occhipinti, and Lyndon Hardy. ‘Mineral footprints of the Paleoproterozoic sediment-hosted Abra Pb-Zn-Cu-Au deposit Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia’. Ore Geology Reviews 104 (January 2019): 436–461.
Laukamp, C.; Rodger, A.; LeGras, M.; Lampinen, H.; Lau, I.C.; Pejcic, B.; Stromberg, J.; Francis, N.; Ramanaidou, E. Mineral Physicochemistry Underlying Feature-Based Extraction of Mineral Abundance and Composition from Shortwave, Mid and Thermal Infrared Reflectance Spectra. Minerals 2021, 11, 347.
Laukamp, Carsten, Thomas Cudahy, James S. Cleverley, Nicholas H.S. Oliver, and Rob Hewson. ‘Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging of Hydrothermal Alteration Zones in Granitoids of the Eastern Fold Belt, Mount Isa Inlier, Australia’. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 11, no. 1 (February 2011): 3–24.
Laukamp, C., T. Cudahy, M. Thomas, M. Jones, J. S. Cleverley, and N. H.S. Oliver. ‘Hydrothermal Mineral Alteration Patterns in the Mount Isa Inlier Revealed by Airborne Hyperspectral Data’. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 58, no. 8 (December 2011): 917–36.
Rodger, A.; Fabris, A.; Laukamp, C. Feature Extraction and Clustering of Hyperspectral Drill Core Measurements to Assess Potential Lithological and Alteration Boundaries. Minerals 2021, 11, 136.
Ruitenbeek, Frank J.A. van, Pravesh Debba, Freek D. van der Meer, Thomas Cudahy, Mark van der Meijde, and Martin Hale. ‘Mapping White Micas and Their Absorption Wavelengths Using Hyperspectral Band Ratios’. Remote Sensing of Environment 102, no. 3–4 (June 2006): 211–22.
Uren, Ashley L., Carsten Laukamp, Annette D. George, Sandra A. Occhipinti, and Alan R.A. Aitken. ‘Inferring Sandstone Grain Size Using Spectral Datasets: An Example from the Bresnahan Group, Western Australia’. Remote Sensing of Environment 252 (January 2021): 112109.
Wells, M., C. Laukamp, and E. Hancock. ‘Reflectance Spectroscopic Characterisation of Mineral Alteration Footprints Associated with Sediment-Hosted Gold Mineralisation at Mt Olympus (Ashburton Basin, Western Australia)’. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 63, no. 8 (16 November 2016): 987–1002.
Witt, W. K., S. G. Hagemann, J. Ojala, C. Laukamp, T. Vennemann, C. Villanes, and V. Nykanen. ‘Multiple Methods for Regional- to Mine-Scale Targeting, Pataz Gold Field, Northern Peru’. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 61, no. 1 (2 January 2014): 43–58.
White, A. J., R., Laukamp, C., Stokes, M. A., Legras, M., Pejcic, B.; Vibrational spectroscopy of epidote, pumpellyite and prehnite applied to low-grade regional metabasites. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 2017;; 17 (4): 315–333. doi:
Mine face imaging
Figure from Fraser et al. (2006): The proto-type ‘OARS’ mine-face mapping system in the Woodlawn pit. Note the spectrometer above the mirror, which is attached to the computer-controlled pan-tilt mechanism.
Fraser, S.J., Whitbourn, L., Yang, K., Ramanaidou, E., Connor, P., Poropat, G., Soole, P., Mason, P., Coward, D., Phillips, R., 2006. Mineralogical Face-Mapping Using Hyperspectral Scanning for Mine Mapping and Control. In: 6th International Mining Geology Conference, Darwin, NT Australia. pp. 227–232.
Yang, K., L. Whitbourn, P. Mason, and J. Huntington. ‘Mapping the Chemical Composition of Nickel Laterites with Reflectance Spectroscopy at Koniambo, New Caledonia’. Economic Geology 108, no. 6 (1 September 2013): 1285–99.
Environmental, Agricultural and Soil studies
Cudahy T., Jones, Thomas M., Cocks P., Agustin F., Caccetta M., Hewson, R., Verrall, M., and Rodger A. (2010). ‘Mapping soil surface mineralogy at Tick Hill, north-western Queensland, Australia, using airborne hyperspectral imagery.’ Viscarra Rossel, Raphael A., McBratney, Alex B., Minasny, Budiman (Eds.), 1st Edition., Springer, ISBN: 978-90-481-8858-1.
Eisele, A.; Lau, I.; Hewson, R.; Carter, D.; Wheaton, B.; Ong, C.; Cudahy, T.J.; Chabrillat, S.; Kaufmann, H. Applicability of the Thermal Infrared Spectral Region for the Prediction of Soil Properties Across Semi-Arid Agricultural Landscapes. Remote Sens. 2012, 4, 3265-3286.
Eisele, A., Chabrillat, S., Hecker, C., Hewson, R., Lau, I. C., Rogass, C., Segl, K., Cudahy, T. J., Udelhoven, T., Hostert, P. and Kaufmann, H. ‘Advantages Using the Thermal Infrared (TIR) to Detect and Quantify Semi-Arid Soil Properties’. Remote Sensing of Environment 163 (June 2015): 296–311.
Hewson, R.D. and Taylor, G.R., (2000). “An investigation of the geological and geomorphological features of Fowlers Gap using thermal infrared, radar and airborne geophysical remote sensing techniques.” Rangeland Journal, Vol. 22, pp. 105-123.
Hewson R., Cudahy T., Beech A., Jones, M., and Thomas,M. (2010). ‘Mineral and Textural Investigations of Soils using Thermal Infrared Spectroscopy’ 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Brisbane, 1-6th August, 2010.
Hewson, R.D, Taylor, G.R. and Bennett, B, and (1993). ‘Spectral characteristics in the 1.3 to 2.5 um range of soils, rocks and vegetation around mineralised deposits at Parkes, NSW and their implications for remote sensing techniques.’ Proc. Advanced Remote Sensing Conference, July 19-23, UNSW, Sydney, v. 2, pp. 147-159.
Hewson R.D., Cudahy, T.J., Jones, M., Thomas, M, (2012). “Investigations into Soil Composition and Texture Using Infrared Spectroscopy (2-14 um),” Applied and Environmental Soil Science, vol. 2012, Article ID 535646, 12 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/535646.
Ibrahim, E., Barnabé, P., Ramanaidou, E. and Pirard E., Mapping mineral chemistry of a lateritic outcrop in new Caledonia through generalized regression using Sentinel-2 and field reflectance spectra, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 73, 2018, Pages 653-665, ISSN 1569-8432,
Kobayashi, C., Lau, I., Wheaton, B., Cater, D., Bourke, L., Asada, N., Kashimura, O., Ong, O., Cudahy, C., “Estimating soil salinity using hyperspectral data in the Western Australian wheat belt,” 2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium – IGARSS, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 2013, pp. 4325-4328, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2013.6723791.
Kobayashi, C., Lau, I., Wheaton, B., Asada, N. and Kashimura, O., “Evaluating the possibility of salinity mapping using HISUI and results expected through a case study of the Western Australian Wheat-belt”, Third International Salinity Forum proceedings, pp. 215-216, June 16-18, 2014.
Kose, S.H., George, S.C., and Lau, I.C., Distinguishing in situ stromatolite biosignatures from silicification and dolomitisation using short wave, visible-near and thermal infrared spectroscopy: A Mars analogue study, Vibrational Spectroscopy, Volume 87, 2016, Pages 67-80, ISSN 0924-2031,
Ong, C., Cudahy, T., Caccetta, M., Hick, P., and Piggott, M. “Quantifying dust loading on mangroves using hyperspectral techniques,” IGARSS 2001. Scanning the Present and Resolving the Future. Proceedings. IEEE 2001 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (Cat. No.01CH37217), Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2001, pp. 296-298 vol.1, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2001.976136.
Ong, C., Carrère, V., Chabrillat, S. et al. Imaging Spectroscopy for the Detection, Assessment and Monitoring of Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards. Surv Geophys 40, 431–470 (2019).
Ong, C. C. H., and T. J. Cudahy. ‘Mapping Contaminated Soils: Using Remotely-Sensed Hyperspectral Data to Predict PH: Remote Sensing of Contaminated Soils’. European Journal of Soil Science 65, no. 6 (November 2014): 897–906.
Taylor, G.R., Mah, A.H., Kruse, F.A., Kierein-Young, K.S., Hewson, R.D., and Bennett, B.A., (1996). ‘Characterization of saline Soils Using Airborne Radar Imagery.’ Remote Sensing Environment, Vol. 57, pp. 127-142.
Assessment of Acid Sulphate Soil both on surface and in subsurface using hyperspectral data, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 39:6 (2014), 468-480, DOI: 10.5589/m13-054
Xian-Zhong, S., Lau, I. C., and Aspandiar, M., ‘Comparison of PLSR Modelling and Indicative Mineral Mapping of Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery for Acid Sulphate Soil Assessment’. International Journal of Remote Sensing 35, no. 4 (16 February 2014): 1309–30.
Zabcic, N., B. Rivard, C. Ong, and A. Mueller. ‘Using Airborne Hyperspectral Data to Characterize the Surface PH and Mineralogy of Pyrite Mine Tailings’. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 32 (October 2014): 152–62.
Laukamp, C.; Rodger, A.; LeGras, M.; Lampinen, H.; Lau, I.C.; Pejcic, B.; Stromberg, J.; Francis, N.; Ramanaidou, E. Mineral Physicochemistry Underlying Feature-Based Extraction of Mineral Abundance and Composition from Shortwave, Mid and Thermal Infrared Reflectance Spectra. Minerals 2021, 11, 347.
White, A.J.R., Laukamp, C., Stokes, M.A., Legras, M., Pejcic, B.; Vibrational spectroscopy of epidote, pumpellyite and prehnite applied to low-grade regional metabasites. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis. 2017;; 17 (4): 315–333. doi:
Conference presentations
Laukamp, C., Lau, I.C., Lampinen, H.M., Williams, M., Huang, F. (2024): Regional-scale mapping of phyllosilicates using the new generation of VNIR-SWIR hyperspectral satellite sensors.- CMS Asian Clays 2024, Hawaii, U.S.A.: CMS_AsianCLays2024_Laukamp_webpage