The Rocklea Dome 3D Mineral Mapping Test Data Set
The integration of surface and subsurface geoscience data is critical for efficient and effective mineral exploration and mining.
The open-access Rocklea Dome 3D Mineral Mapping Test Data Set (Haest et al., 2012; Laukamp, 2020; provides an opportunity for evaluating proximal and remote sensing data, validated and calibrated by independent geochemical and mineralogical analyses, for exploration of channel iron deposits (CIDs) through cover.
Laukamp et al. (2021) provide an overview of the publicly available hyperspectral data set of the Rocklea Dome, which ought to be used as a test data set for (1) data mining for exploration and mining, (2) integration of independent geoscience data sets (i.e. hyperspectral, geochemical), (3) resource modelling, and (4) different approaches for routine processing of hyperspectral data.

We would like to acknowledge IGO Limited for releasing the raw airborne hyperspectral data to Murchison Metals (MML) and thank our industry partners for allowing CSIRO to publish image products, research reports and similar publications.
Haest, M., Cudahy, T., Laukamp, C., Gregory, S. (2012): Quantitative mineralogy from visible to shortwave infrared spectroscopic data – I. Validation of mineral abundance and composition products of the Rocklea Dome channel iron deposit in Western Australia.- Economic Geology, 107, 209 – 228.
Haest, M., Cudahy, T., Laukamp, C., Gregory, S. (2012): Quantitative mineralogy from visible to shortwave infrared spectroscopic data – II. 3D mineralogical characterisation of the Rocklea Dome channel iron deposit, Western Australia – Economic Geology, 107, 229 – 249.
Haest, M., Cudahy, C., Rodger, A., Laukamp, C., Martens, E., Caccetta, M. (2013): Unmixing vegetation from airborne visible-near to shortwave infrared spectroscopy-based mineral maps over the Rocklea Dome (Western Australia), with a focus on iron rich palaeochannels.- Remote Sensing of Environment, 129, 17-31.
Laukamp, C., Haest, M., Cudahy, T. (2021): The Rocklea Dome 3D Mineral Mapping Test Data Set.- Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 1371–1383, 2021,