Ending Plastic Waste

Plastic use is expected to double by 2040, making it imperative that we collectively address the global issue of plastic […]

We are partnering with RMIT University and the newly announced Solving Plastic Waste CRC to deliver the Ending Plastic Waste Symposium 2024 on Tuesday 6 August and Wednesday 7 August at Sofitel Melbourne on Collins.

The CSIRO marine debris team are working in partnership with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment, and Water […]

aerial view of port and containers

We have produced a report on standards to accelerate the circular economy transition in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) region.

water bottles

The ANZPAC Plastics Pact (ANZPAC) is a collaborative solution that brings together key players behind a shared vision of a […]

COBSEA is partnering with CSIRO to provide technical assistance and capacity building toward harmonized marine litter monitoring programmes.

woman with clipboard looks up at pallets of packed plastics on a shelf

CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, will tackle Australia’s plastic pollution challenges, pledging to help Australia reduce its plastic waste by […]

Image of a range of plastic bottle caps in different states of decomposition

See our events for students and supporters, including Educator Professional Learning sessions and guest speakers.

Our Indo-Pacific Plastics Innovation Network is working with the region’s top innovators and researchers to turn plastic waste into sustainable […]


We have developed an environmentally-friendly, sprayable biodegradable polymer membrane product that can help farmers produce more during harvest, on the […]