On the RV Investigator we get to see some particularly spectacular sunrises and sunsets.
Meet Dr Vanessa Lucieer, a Senior Lecturer and Marine Spatial Analyst at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) at the University of Tasmania.
Sometimes the results of a dredge are less than fantastic – like this one!
The main research conducted on this voyage involves dredging rock material from the ocean floor. The dredging process aims to collect significant samples of black volcanic rock.
After a two and a half day transit, the RV Investigator arrived at the first sampling site, a seamount called Frederick’s Reef.
The second day of our voyage was spent continuing our transit from Cairns to our first dredge site in the Coral Sea.
Jamie Menzies is a Learning and Access Officer at the Scottish Maritime Museum and Research Assistant at The University of Edinburgh.