
Dr Thomas Poulet
- Thomas is a research scientist investigating geological instabilities using multi-physics and numerical modelling approaches.
- Primary
- Phone 108 6436 8665
- Location Australian Resources Research Centre
- Address26 Dick Perry AvenueKensington WA 6151 Australia

Dr Heather Sheldon
- Heather is a research scientist with more than 20 years' experience in using numerical models to simulate geological processes, with applications to mineral exploration, geothermal energy, underground energy storage and safe waste disposal
- Primary
- Phone 1+61 2 6218 5821
- LocationBlack Mountain site
- AddressBuilding 101, Clunies Ross StBlack Mountain ACT 2601 Australia

Dr Juerg Hauser
- Juerg is a research scientist . He is interested in the development of inference methods that allow to answer questions about subsurface processes by developing and refining computational frameworks that are like CoFI (, open source, example driven and encouraging experimentation while reducing development time and cost.
- Primary
- LocationBlack Mountain site
- AddressBuilding 101, Clunies Ross StBlack Mountain ACT 2601 Australia

Dr Patrick Makuluni
- Patrick Makuluni is a Postdoctoral Fellow at CSIRO, Mineral Resources, Black Mountain ACT. He pursued his PhD in Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering at the University of New South Wales, Australia. Patrick obtained an MSc in Mineral Exploration and Mining Geology from Curtin University, Australia, in 2017; He received a BSc in Civil Engineering from the University of Malawi in 2012. His research interests include Earth and Planetary Science, Geodynamics, Sedimentology and stratigraphy, Computer Science, Mineral & Energy Systems, Structural Geology, Geochemistry, Tectonic Reconstructions, and Resource Exploration. His research optimises mineral and energy resource targetting methods in sedimentary basins.
- Primary
- Phone 1+61 4 0688 7053
- LocationBlack Mountain site
- AddressBuilding 101, Clunies Ross StBlack Mountain ACT 2601 Australia

Dr Álvaro Riquelme
- Álvaro I. Riquelme is a Mining Engineer with a minor in Computer Sciences who graduated from Universidad de Chile in 2016. He received his Ph.D. degree focusing on multivariate techniques in geospatial statistical modeling from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, in 2022. In 2023, he joined CSIRO in Canberra, Australia, as a post-doctoral researcher to work on the development of statistical methodologies in mineral potential mapping. His current research interests include geostatistics, Riemannian geometry, and topology with applications to geological and geospatial modeling.
- Primary
- LocationBlack Mountain site
- AddressBuilding 101, Clunies Ross StBlack Mountain ACT 2601 Australia

Dr Juan Giraldo
- Juan is a Postdoctoral Fellow at CSIRO within the Mineral Resources division. He earned his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Curtin University, Australia, in 2023. Juan's academic journey includes a BSc and an MSc in Mechanical Engineering, both from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. His research encompasses numerical analysis for structural optimisation, flow in porous media, and reactive flow systems. Juan has developed numerical models to deepen the understanding of the formation of localised supergene iron ore deposits, merging a physics-based approach with geophysical datasets. His research activities at CSIRO are centred on modelling Electrokinetic In-situ Leaching Processes.
- Primary
- Phone 1+61 4 8389 8227
- LocationAustralian Resources Research Centre Address
- Address26 Dick Perry Avenue Kensington Perth WA 6151 Australia