Modelling supergene mimetic martite goethite deposits

Brockman Syncline cross-section from Sommerville et al. 2014

Modelling supergene mimetic martite goethite deposits
We recently applied a numerical modelling approach within the context of iron ore, to understand and quantify the major control of permeability anisotropy on supergene mimetic martite goethite deposits. The results are published in (Poulet et al., 2022). The figures above compare the mineralisation patterns between an observed cross-section (from Sommerville et al., 2014) with numerical results obtained from modelling anisotropic flow only.
* Poulet, T., Giraldo, J. F., Ramanaidou, E., Piechocka, A., & Calo, V. M. (2023). Paleo-stratigraphic permeability anisotropy controls supergene mimetic martite goethite deposits. Basin Research, 35, 572– 591.
* Sommerville, B., Boyle, C., Brajkovich, N., Savory, P., & Latscha, A.- A. (2014). Mineral resource estimation of the brockman 4 iron ore deposit in the pilbara region. Applied Earth Science, 123(2), 135–145.