Developing a new TraNSIT platform to model the impacts of natural disasters on supply chains
CSIRO, in partnership with the Australian Climate Service (ACS) is developing a new technology platform and national planning tool. Which builds on the existing capacity of CSIRO’s Transport Network Strategic Investment Tool to visualise modelled scenarios on the impact of natural hazards to transport networks and supply chains. The tool will identify weak points and bottlenecks in the supply chain network and provide objective data to develop mitigative strategies and greater resilience.
Natural disasters, such as floods and bush fires regularly cause significant disruptions to freight and supply chain networks in both the response and recovery phases following a natural disaster. These disruptions impact road and rail access and the ability to move product from producers and manufacturers to distribution centres and enterprises. This new technology platform will be a web-based interface, featuring an interactive dashboard and a map-based visualisation tool where supply chains can be explored and interrogated. It will link with other knowledge and data-bases held by the ACS, their partners and customers, as well as platforms hosted by other Federal Government agencies such as the National Freight Data Hub, as well as other relevant State Agencies.

Great Northern Hwy, East Kimberley region, Western Australia. IMAGE: CSIRO / NATHAN DYER