Group Success 2020

  • A review paper titled with “Physical Unclonable Functions” is published by Nature Electronics. It examines the various applications of PUFs (physical unclonable function) alike hardware ‘fingerprint’, and consider the security issues that they must confront, highlighting known attacks to date and potential countermeasures. It also considers the key areas for future development.’ Garrison
  • ‘We have, for the first time, compared two representative distributed machine learning techniques: federated learning and split learning in the Internet of Things devices, in particular, the Raspberry PI. This work is published in The 39th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS) 2020.’ Garrison
  • My paper on voice liveness detection (Void) has been accepted and published by USENIX Security 2020, a CORE A* category conference in cyber-security. In this research, we propose a simple and lightweight technique to detect voice spoofing attacks that are targeting voice assistants (e.g., Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, Google Now, etc). Fraudsters can record a person’s voice for voice assistants and replay it to impersonate that individual. They can also edit voice samples to mimic a person’s voice in order to spoof, or trick voice assistants. Void achieved 99.6% and 94% accuracy on two large datasets. In this research, we also show that Void is robust against several adversarial attacks.’ Ejaz
  • ‘We organised 10 SAO seminars in collaboration with CSCRC with high impact guests, Arindam, Sharif, Yifeng, Regine
  • ‘My collaborator, Prof. Hyoungshick Kim, from Sungkyunkwan university (SKKU) along with his 10 students joined DSS group for one year to collaborate with Data61 staff from DSS group on several interesting research projects. These projects include privacy preserving training, backdoor attacks and countermeasures, spam image detection using deep learning, ransomware detection, and software vulnerability detection. The collaboration with Prof. Kim and students proved to be very fruitful which resulted in several research publication in top-ranked conferences (USENIX Security, SRDS, ASIACCS, ICSE, etc.). Our collaboration will further continue to do impactful research.’ Ejaz
  • Collaboration with SKKU university Korean students. 3 Internship undergraduate students and 4 postgraduate students. We got 3 paper accepted at ACM AsiaCCS, SRDS, and ACISP. We also have 2 other paper submission to WWW and AsiaCCS, Sharif, Garrison, Surya
  • ‘We secured CRC scholarships as follows: 2 PhD scholarships 2020/2023 at QUT and UNSW, 2 honours scholarships 2020/2021 at ECU and UNSW, 7 vacation students’ scholarships 2020/2021’, Sharif, Mardi and Raj