Quantum Algorithms and Applications

July 29th, 2022

The practicality of quantum computing relies on the development of novel quantum algorithms which can solve complex real-world problems. Data61 will perform cutting-edge research at the forefront of quantum algorithms and applications to advance the usability of quantum technologies. The areas of focus include quantum data science, machine learning, materials modelling, climate science, and optimisation problems. These areas are closely linked with CSIRO’s existing mission (e.g., climate adaptation) and Data61 priority areas (e.g., artificial intelligence, cybersecurity). We will adopt a unique approach by establishing scalable quantum algorithms which are encoded on logical (error-protected) qubits. Themes 1 and 2 provide the foundations for this work so that the algorithms and applications run on top of the software stack with inherent features of security and responsibility. For the testing and benchmarking of algorithms, new strategic partnerships with the quantum hardware industry, both locally (SQC, QB, Diraq, etc.) and internationally (IBM Quantum, D-Wave, IonQ, AWS Quantum, etc.), will be established. Our strategy is to pave the way for the usability of quantum algorithms through responsible innovation and trustworthiness, which will be underpinned by close engagement with industry, defence and government sectors. The quantum algorithms and applications work will leverage CSIRO’s multi-disciplinary expertise by collaborating with domain-focused business units/missions (e.g., climate science and manufacturing).