Social Trust in Online Community

Funded by Centerlink
Partners: Decision Sciences (Cecile Paris)
Duration: 2012 – 2017

The phenomenon of the Social Web (i.e., the Web of Social Media) has caught the attention of research communities in the last decade. Researchers from diverse disciplines ranging from social and behavioural sciences to computer science have started investigating the issues and challenges in the Social Web. Within computer science, researchers from established research areas such as language technologies and machine learning, and service and cloud computing have started to look into the computational and development challenges brought about by the Social Web. With the continued reports of breach of trust and hoax news spreading from social media to mainstream news, trusting the Social Web has become one of the major challenges that needs to be addressed.

This project develops the interactions based trust model for social web, with the specific focus on trust propagation and influence.  The unique feature of our trust model is that it considers not only the interaction network, but also the content (e.g., comments, feedback, etc.) of the interactions within the certain context.