Our Alumni
Worked With US
Dr Andrew Feutrill | Senior Research Scientist, Team Leader
- Andrew is a Data Scientist and the Team Leader of the Security Data Science group. His main research interests are applying probability theory to the security domain, which includes the modelling of the arrival vulnerabilities, modelling of the expected time until exploit of disclosed vulnerabilities and understanding attack paths through networks. Previously he worked for the Department of Defence, Australian Federal Police and Data to Decisions CRC to deliver research and proof of concept applications to assist analysts and investigators make better decisions. He has now moved to Amazon working on demand forecasting and optimisation.
- Alumni since: Nov 2021
- Current role: Amazon, Seattle
- Publications: ORCID

Dr Geoff Jarrad | Senior Data Scientist, Senior Research Engineer
- Geoff is a senior data scientist and research engineer in CSIRO Data61’s Cybersecurity Automation and Orchestration team, involved with research and software engineering for AI Security. He has a long-term background in statistical machine learning, reasoning under uncertainty, and applied decision support systems. Currently, Geoff is working on Threat Hunting projects using AI/ML to automatically detect attacks on computer systems. Previous projects include: the detection of role/access conflicts for identity and access management (IAM) within the Australian banking system; and development on the StellarGraph ML library for data science approaches to anti-money laundering, spammer detection and other graph-analytic problems.
- Publications: ORCID | Research Gate
- Tags: Reasoning Under Uncertainty | Statistical Machine Learning | Decision Support Systems | Graph Analytics
- Highlight: I enjoy mathematical and computational modelling of general problems from a wide variety of fields. My particular passion is developing and implementing probabilistic models for machine learning to provide decision support for solving real-world problems.

Dr Hongsheng Hu | Postdoctoral Fellow
- Hongsheng is a post-doctoral research fellow within CSIRO’s Data61. Hongsheng did his PhD at The University of Auckland in New Zealand. His research focuses on AI privacy and security, especially membership inference attacks and distributed systems security.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Machine Learning Privacy | Membership Inference Attacks | Data Provenance and Protection

Dr Junda Lu | Research Engineer
- Junda Lu is a Research Engineer at CSIRO’s Data61. He received his PhD from the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), where he developed a profound expertise in AI and Security. Following his PhD, he further honed his skills as a postdoctoral fellow at Macquarie University. His research interests include Malware Detection, Adversarial Machine Learning, Security and Privacy, and Information Retrieval.
- Publications: Junda Lu – Google Scholar
- Tags: Adversarial Machine Learning | AI Security, Security and Privacy | Deep Learning | Information Retrieval
- Highlight: ‘I am excited to work in CSIRO’s Data61, where I collaborate with talented researchers on valuable projects, publish high-level research papers and address real-world problems.’

Mr Leo Ly | Research Engineer
- Leo is a software engineer in the cyber security team at Data61. He joined CSIRO with expectations to partake in developing novel technologies against cyber security risks. He completed his Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Queensland. During his undergraduate studies, he became one of the founding members and IP holder of a tech start-up, where he served as the lead software engineer. The start-up’s focus is on optimising the efficiency of large-scale solar farms while reducing operational costs. As of early 2023, the start-up has been valued at 3 million AUD. Leo’s background includes developing new technologies for both research and commercial purposes. He has experience in research and development (R&D), operations and maintenance (O&M), and collaborating with industry partners, venture capitalists, and investors.
- Highlight: ‘Leo’s philosophy has always been aligned with creating a sustainable and positive societal impact.’

Dr Masooma Iftikhar | Research Associate
- Masooma Iftikhar is a Research Associate at Data61, CSIRO. She holds a Ph.D. degree in computer science at the Australian National University, Australia, with the thesis titled “Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing”. Her research interests include private data analytics, privacy risk and vulnerability assessment in data, cyber security automation, privacy preserving techniques for data integration, mining, and publishing. Her publications span various top data science journals and conferences such as EDBT and PAKDD. Prior to her PhD study, she received a MS degree in Computer Sciences from University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore, Pakistan, and M.Sc. IT from Punjab University College of Information Technology (PUCIT), Pakistan. She also worked as a Software and Quality Assurance Engineer at i2c Software Solutions for a year and had five years of experience working in academics as a Lecturer IT at Institute of the Business Administration University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Data Analytics | Privacy Risk and Vulnerability Assessment | Cyber Security Automation
- Highlight: ‘I am enthusiastic about studying interesting research problems and contributing towards science and innovation.’

Dr Wei Kang | Research Scientist
- Wei is a Research Scientist at CSIRO’s Data61. He is passionate about developing Machine Learning and Data Mining solutions to real-world challenges in various areas including cybersecurity(e.g., phishing detection, access control), predictive modelling and social media analytics. Prior to joining Data61, he worked as a Research Fellow and Research Degree Supervisor at University of South Australia. Wei was also one of the key Research Scientists in the Beat The News (BTN) project at the Data to Decisions CRC which aimed to provide national security agencies with automated and continuous big data analytics capability. His work focuses on extracting insights from big/complex data, performing predictive analytics to support decision making, and developing ML solutions to various challenges in cybersecurity and many other areas. He has supervised several PhD/Masters/Honours students. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science at the National University of Singapore.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Data Mining | Machine Learning | Predictive Analytics | Social Media Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Visualization
- Highlight: I’m passionate about tackling real-world challenges through research that leads to positive impact.

Dr Cody James Christopher | Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Cody is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow working within both Data61 and the Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre (CSCRC) on Cyber Deception. He gained his Doctorate from the Australian National University (ANU) in Computer Science, in explainable AI for formal systems diagnostics.
- Publications: ORCID | Publons | Research Gate | Google Scholar | DBLP
- Tags: Cyber Deception | Machine Learning | Explainable AI | Algorithms | Optimisation | Diagnosis | Cryptology & Cryptography

Dr Garrison Gao | Research Scientist
- Garrison Gao is a Research Scientist (indefinite) at CSIRO’s Data61. He received his M.Sc degree from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2013 and a Ph.D. degree from the University of Adelaide, Australia, in 2017. His work has appeared in prestigious conferences (such as NDSS, ACSAC, DSN, and ACM AsiaCCS), as well as journals (such as Nature Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, and IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security). His current research interests are AI security and privacy, system security, and hardware security.
- Publications: Google Scholar

Dr. Samuel Karumba | Research Associate at CSIRO’s Data61
- Samuel is a researcher in the field of Distributed Systems Security, with a focus on blockchain application in energy systems and smart grids. His work has contributed significantly to advancing the scalability, security, privacy, and interoperability of decentralized energy systems. Samuel’s journey in computer science began with a B.Sc. from Moi University in Kenya, followed by an M.Sc. from Strathmore University in Kenya, and culminated in a Ph.D. from the University of New South Wales in Australia. His PhD research at the University of New South Wales marked a pivotal period where he led the ground-breaking research on blockchain’s role in decentralized energy management, enhancing the security and efficiency of smart grids. This work not only underscored the importance of cybersecurity in sustainable energy systems but also positioned Samuel as a thought leader in this niche area.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Cybersecurity | Blockchain | Energy Systems | Smart Grids | Consumer Energy Resources
- Highlight: ‘My passion thrives at the intersection of cybersecurity and distributed systems, where I’ve contributed to leading-edge projects with IBM, UNSW, and CSIRO. At IBM, I crafted a blockchain identity management module for the Food Trust, underscoring cybersecurity’s vital role in supply chain integrity. At UNSW, my work on blockchain for decentralized energy resource management marked a significant advancement toward secure, efficient energy systems. Now with CSIRO’s Data61, I focus on integrating advanced security in consumer energy resources and the broader grid. This journey embodies not just technological innovation but my commitment to addressing global challenges, driving us toward a secure, sustainable future through ground-breaking solutions.‘

Mr Xiangyu Hui | Research Technician
- Xiangyu is a research technician at Data61, CSIRO. He obtained a Master of Computer Science (Advanced) degree from the Australian National University, Australia, with a GPA of 6.889/7. His research interests mainly include applied cryptography, computer systems, blockchain, and related fields.
- Publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=XWfNdKAAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra
- Tags: Cryptographic Protocols | Zero-Knowledge Proofs | Blockchain

Dr Behnam Tonekaboni | Research Scientist
- I am a theoretical quantum physicist. I did my PhD at University of Queensland within ARC centre for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS). During my PhD, I designed quantum devices such as an autonomous quantum heat engine and protocols for high precision measurement exploiting quantum coherence in cold atoms. Following my PhD, I worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Griffith University and the ARC Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology (CQC2T) on protocols for optimum control and noise suppression in quantum devices. During my time at CQC2T, I became interested in quantum algorithms. Now in my role at CSIRO, I am working on quantum algorithm on optimisation and higher dimensional topological data analysis. My goal in my research is to achieve higher computational power of quantum devices. In addition, I am working on optimal quantum control on real devices. That includes, pulse design to control quantum devices as well as mitigating noises that affect the device.
- Address: AUSTRALIA
- Publications: Orcid
- Tags: Quantum Information | Quantum Computation | Quantum Technology | Open Quantum Systems | Quantum Control | Quantum Foundation
- Highlight: Calculation and computation seem to be purely mathematical ideas. Nature’s ability to calculate and compute for us has always amazed me. And I believe nature has greater computing capacity than we have found so far. The computing power we, quantum physicists, strive for is the ability to exploit nature’s quantumness for computation. As a quantum physicist, I am excited to be working on two aspects of the challenge in this direction: 1. Developing algorithms to transform common problems into a language that quantum computers can understand. 2. Working on techniques to manipulate and control qubits more quickly and precisely.

Dr Gareth Parker | Senior Principal Research Scientist, Strategy
- Dr Gareth Parker is a Senior Principal Research Scientist within Data61, with responsibilities for leading research strategies around Defence and cyber security. From 2012 until June 2023 Gareth was the Defence (DSTG) Research Leader for Cyber and Signals Intelligence, a role which blended leadership in both S&T capability and the Defence and National Security program. Gareth led the Next Generation Technologies Fund (NGTF) Cyber theme since its inception in 2016 until mid-2022. A key NGTF Cyber partner has been CSIRO’s Data61 and Gareth spent three months seconded to Data61 in late 2016 to build that relationship. The principal international S&T engagement within Defence is the ‘The Technical Cooperation Program’ (TTCP) and Gareth was Australian’s representative on the Command, Control, Communications, Cyber and Intelligence (C4I) Group from 2018 to 2021. That Group was re-established following the success of the 2015-17 TTCP ‘Cyber Strategic Challenge’, an initiative of the TTCP Principals to bring a new sense of focus, urgency and impact to the TTCP community in key areas, including cyber. Gareth was the Australian lead on the Challenge in its latter years. The Challenge comprised three activities: Trustworthy Systems; Mission Assurance and Situational Awareness; and Electromagnetic Cyber, for which Gareth was the founding leader. During 2019 Gareth was temporarily appointed to the role of Program Leader Science Strategy and Policy, and in that role led the development and production of the 2020 More, Together Defence S&T strategy. Gareth graduated with an honours degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Adelaide in 1990 and was awarded a PhD from the University of South Australia in 2001 for his thesis entitled ‘Frequency Domain Restoration of Communications Signals’. He completed the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School in 2017. Gareth has published and presented in communications signal processing and cyber. He is committed to strengthening National S&T capabilities through collaboration and is particularly passionate about growing a strong and enduring Cyber capability in Australia.
Dr Anh Cat Le Ngo | Research Scientist
- Cat got his doctoral degree from University of Nottingham in Computer Vision and Machine Learning and have worked in both academic and industrial organizations since then. Cat’s general research interestes include computer vision, interactive computer graphics, human-in-the-loop machine learning, probabilistic machine learning. Cat worked on deep gaussian processes and neural logic network as a research fellow in A2I2, Deakin University. As a technical lead in data division of VinAI, he managed and developed vision-based annotation platform, specially designed for automotive industry. Recently, he joined CSIRO as a research scientist working on multiple projects in human-centric cybersecurity.
- Publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=L-eb-gsAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
- Tags: Active Learning | Gaussian Processes | Neural Logic Reasoning | Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning | Computer Vision | Interactive Computer Graphics
- Highlight: The amount of visual data necessary for training large deep neural network model is hugmongous especially for mission-critical systems such as autonomous driving. While fully manual annotation is too labourous and expensive, fully automatic annotation is not reliable and robust. Therefore, I chose to design, develop and deploy an 3D annotation platform to effectively combine human skills and machine speed. Together with a talented team of software engineers, we had turned a conceptual design to a fully deployed product in a record time. Furthermore, the platform has been being used by an in-house data annotation team and it increases their productivity by at least two folds.

Dr Arindam Pal | Senior Research Scientist
- Arindam is a Senior Research Scientist at Data61 in Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), and a Research Fellow at Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre (CSCRC). Before joining CSIRO, he was employed as Research Scientist at TCS Research and Innovation after gaining a PhD in Computer Science from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. His primary area of expertise is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). This is the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform a specific task, without using explicit instructions. His broad research interests are Algorithms, Data Science, Network Science, Machine Learning and Optimization. Arindam has worked on several research projects such as evacuation planning, warehouse automation, legal data mining, citation analysis and patent analysis.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Algorithms | Data Science | Network Science | Machine Learning | Optimization
- Highlight: I enjoy working for Data61 for several reasons: I am working on cutting edge problems that will positively impact the society; I’m collaborating with faculty members of Australian universities and I’m nurturing young minds. To do world class research, it is not only important to work with excellent researchers, but also to mentor the next generation and build a team of motivated people, who will be tomorrow’s leaders in technology. I particularly enjoy teaching and giving talks to young people and to encourage them to take a career in science and technology. Data61 is also giving me the opportunity to work with brilliant and nice people.

Dr Autumn Wu | Postdoctoral Fellow
- Autumn Wu is a postdoctoral fellow at Data61. She received her PhD in Computer Science from New York University, NYC, USA, in 2022, and received her BS in Computer Science from New York University Shanghai, Shanghai, China, in 2017. Her research focus is in the area of deep reinforcement learning, including improving sample efficiency for off-policy and off-line deep reinforcement learning, Markov decision Process, and applications of off-line deep reinforcement learning algorithms on large decision-making optimization problems.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Deep Reinforcement Learning | Markov Decision Process | Data Mining | Machine Learning
- Highlight: Making a positive impact on real-world problems through research is very fulfilling and rewarding. That’s the motivation keep me going.
Dr Deepak Puthal | Associate Professor
- Deepak Puthal is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School of Computing, Newcastle University, United Kingdom and honorary fellow at University of Technology Sydney, Australia. Prior to this position, he was a Lecturer at University of Technology Sydney, Australia and an associate researcher at Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO Data61), Australia. He has a Ph.D. (2017) from the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney. His research spans several areas in Cyber Security, Blockchain, Internet of Things and Edge/Fog Computing. He serves on the editorial boards of top quality international journals including IEEE Transactions on Big Data, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, Computers & Electrical Engineering (Elsevier), International Journal of Communication Systems (John Wiley & Sons), and Internet Technology Letters (John Wiley & Sons). He has received several recognitions and best paper awards from IEEE. For more details visit his website.
- Alumni since: Feb 2017
- Current role: Assistant Professor, Newcastle University
- Publications: Web site

Mr Dharma Maddu | Research Engineer
- Dharma’s goal is to better understand the latest technology to develop applications.

Dr Emma Xue | Research Fellow
- Emma is a research fellow at CSIRO’s Data61 and Macquarie University. She has been in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) area since her PhD in UTS. She participated in the Machine Learning (ML) library of StellarGraph and worked on Traffic Network Analytics in the now-completed Investigative Analytics project. Her current research focuses on developing AI models and ML algorithms for complex online social networks, finding misinformation from dynamically changing flows of users, and detecting anomaly communities.
- Publications: Google Orcid
- Tags: Social Network Computing | Graph Mining | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence
- Highlight: I am sensitive to all kinds of data surrounding human beings. I enjoy modelling our real life to an applicational research problem. I am passionate to solve these problems with computational algorithms.

Dr Garrison Gao | Postdoctoral Fellow
- Garrison received his Master of Science degree from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2013 and a PhD degree from the University of Adelaide, Australia, in 2017. His current research interests are hardware security and system security.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Hardware Security | Physical Unclonable Function | System Security | AI security

Dr Hamza Sellak | Postdoctoral Fellow
- A determined and enthusiastic researcher, Hamza is interested in revolutionising classical decision-making processes towards enabling a next-generation of intelligent, expert-based and privacy-aware decision support systems. He is passionate about developing new intelligent techniques to model and solve decision-making situations from (individual) day-to-day activities (e.g., recommend healthy lifestyle choices and preventative health measures) to (group) short and long-term strategic planning (e.g., support investments decisions and project planning). He received his Master of Science in Information Systems, Decision Science, Networks and Multimedia in 2014 from Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez (Morocco) and his PhD in Computer Science in 2018, from Moulay Ismail University, Meknes (Morocco).
- Publications: ORCID |Google Scholar |ResearchGate |DBLP
- Tags: Decision Support Systems | Recommender Systems | Soft Computing | Fuzzy Modelling | Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Processes | Consensus Reaching Processes | Digital Health Interventions | Behaviour Change
- Highlight: I live for challenges, making a lasting real-life impact and dreaming of doing even bigger things. Being a researcher gives me the opportunity to live a new adventure every day and push myself to a changing limit towards achieving my goals.
Mr Hendra Wijaya | Senior Software Engineer
- After receiving his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, Hendra moved to Singapore and spent most of his time working with SAP on Answers Anywhere product. It’s a NLP tool that helps software developers built an interpreter from human languages to executable computer instructions. He moved to Australia afterwards where he spent 6.5 years working with CSIRO Data61. During that period, he built microservices framework that solves the problem of discovering and linking distributed datasets from multiple sources. He also worked with cross-functional teams across CSIRO to develop internal tool that provides detailed information about CSIRO staffs along with their projects and publications. Furthermore, as part of the smart home IoT research project, he built Android application for managing and monitoring IoT devices. His ON Prime team received performance award for the work on “Blind Inspection” that provides full security and privacy for inspecting network packages. Afterwards, he then joined Atlassian as a Senior Software Engineer to work on Jira Service Desk product. Currently he is part of Amazon Web Services team in Seattle, Washington..
- Alumni since: August 2018
- Current role: Software Development Engineer at Amazon Web Services
- Publications: Linkedin

Dr Hyoungshick Kim
- Hyoungshick Kim is a distinguished visiting researcher at CSIRO Data61. He is also working as an associate professor in the Department of Software, College of Software, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Republic of Korea. In 2011, he received his PhD in the Security Group at the Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge with Prof. Ross Anderson, having written his thesis on complex network analysis for secure and robust communications. He worked in Samsung Electronics on research projects for secure home networking and content protection before pursuing a PhD. His research interests are usable security, blockchain and software security.
- Alumni since:
- Current role:
- Tags: Usable Security | Data-driven Security | Software Security
- Highlight: Interesting and practical research problems such as real-world malware analysis in CSIRO Data61 constantly motivate me to conduct research. I am always looking for a chance to collaborate with CSIRO Data61 members in order to solve such research problems. Please don’t wait for the perfect moment. Done is better than perfect!

Dr Jing Wei | Research Fellow
- Jing works as CSIRO’s Data61. She obtained her PhD from the University of Melbourne, where she focused on understanding user interaction with proactive conversational agents and exploring the potential of LLMs for chatbots. Previously, she worked as an intern researcher at Naver AI Lab, South Korea and a software developer at an Australian start-up. She is now interested in using the power of research to improve people’s lives and developing human-centric solutions to cybersecurity problems.
- Address: Clayton, VIC 3168, AUSTRALIA
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Human Centric Security | HCI
- Highlight: ‘ My research interests always align with my personal passions because I firmly believe impactful research should result in tangible contributions to society.’

Dr Jongkil Kim | JV Researcher UoW, Research Collaborator
- Jongkil has several years of experience in security assessment on security products and cryptographic modules. He was one of the primary evaluators of the Korean e-passport and the government certificate issuing system. At CSIRO’s Data61, he has been conducting multiple projects for Cyber Physical System (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT) system security. He is interested in assessing the security mechanism of applications and systems and designing security protocols for resource-limited devices.
- Email: jonkil@uow.edu.au
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Internet of Things | Cyber Physical System | Security Assessment | Secure protocol
- Highlight: As a researcher, finding a problem is sometimes as difficult as finding a solution. By providing interesting questions, the work at Data61 keeps inspiring me as it is allowing me to face many real-world problems. I am proud of the work I do every day at Data 61 and treasure the opportunity to collaborate with fabulous programmers and researchers.
Dr Julian Jang-Jaccard | Associate Professor
- Julian is an Associate Professor with Information Technology cluster of College of Science at Massey University, New Zealand. She is an experienced and passionate IT professional whose career has spanned over 15 years across industries, universities, and a top government research agency. Her core research focuses sit in two broad categories: cyber security and data science. In cybersecurity area; her research focuses on developing algorithms and protocols to protect user (via identity management and access control), system (via intrusion detection, trust based computing and trustworthy system, cloud/mobile protection), and data (via applied cryptography and data anonymization). In data science area, combining with her background in database research, her research focuses on developing privacy preserving techniques and machine learning algorithms to enhance the scope of big data analytics. Her techniques have been applied in real-life telco and health informatics trials with success. Prior to joining Massey, she was a leading research scientist at CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientist Industrial Research Organisation), Australia working on multi-million dollar projects within Australia and across Pacific. Before CSIRO, she was a professional java developer and a certified database administrator working at a cutting edge Australian software development industry. She is an active member of several database, cyber security and health data informatics research communities and has published more than 50 articles in the leading conferences and journal venues including IEEE and ACM. She obtained a BBus(Comp) from University of Western Sydney Australia, MinfTech with top 1% ranking and PhD from University of Sydney, all in Australia.
- Alumni since: Feb 2016
- Current role: Associate Professor at Massey University
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Highlight: My highlight at CSIRO was working with many smart colleagues, the world class research environment, being on the inaugural AccelerationON program, and seeing my invention almost made to a commercial product!

Ms Leda Kalleske | Project Manager
- Leda’s happiest when she’s writing. She has worked in communications roles in almost every sector she can think of, and now at CSIRO’s Data61 finds herself in a fast-paced world of innovation, mind-bending technology and brilliant minds. Being the adaptable type, she’s thriving on using her well-honed skills in content curation, strategic communication planning and social strategy in this new ecosystem.
- Highlight: I’m inspired by taking on the not-so-comfortable. It’s in these
spaces that we grow the most both professionally and

Lihong Tang | Research Technician
- Lihong Tang is a research technician at CSIRO’s Data61, having previously held the position of security specialist and engineer at a laboratory of a leading blockchain company. Her research is centred on human-centric cybersecurity, with a specific focus on enhancing public awareness of new technologies and ensuring their secure integration. Tang’s interests extend to the realm of complex transaction data analysis within blockchain cryptocurrency. Additionally, Tang is actively involved in unravelling human behaviours through in-depth analyses of human-related data and conducting user studies. She is particularly intrigued by the potential for artificial intelligence to streamline and enhance this process.
- Address: Clayton, VIC 3168, Australia
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Human Centric Security
- Highlight: ‘ As new technologies unfold their optimal benefits for our world, witnessing their positive impact in a healthy and safe manner is truly invigorating.‘

Dr Mahathir (Mardi) Almashor | Senior Research Scientist
- Recent years have seen Mardi develop his skills in industry, first with IBM Research (Melbourne) and then Seeing Machines (Canberra). His focus was on data management, analysis and visualisation, and C++ development for Pilot Monitoring Systems. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from RMIT University, with prior research on P2P virtual environments, simulation systems and disaster management.
- Publications: ORCID |github
- Tags: Phishing | Data Analysis | Data Visualisation | Distributed Systems
- Highlight: I just like getting things done.

Meisam Mohamady | Research Scientist
- Meisam is a Research Scientist at Data61 in Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), with a background in privacy preserving mechanism designs, statistical inferences, and secure computation. Previously he worked on the privacy preserving spatio-temporal monitoring project (Universite De Montreal) and the privacy preserving cloud computing and auditing in the Audit Ready Cloud team (joint collaboration between the Ericsson Research Canada and the Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering). He also had several collaborations with the Department of Computer Science at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). Prior to that, Meisam has obtained his bachelor degree from the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran (Electrical Engineering department).
- Address: MARSFIELD, NSW 2122, Australia
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Differential Privacy | Privacy Preserving Machine Learning | Anonymity |Computational Learning Theory | Secure Multiparty Computation
- Highlight: Privacy in the first glance seems to be a luxury concept, but is that really true? I find the main concept behind it so crucial that everyone sooner or later will demand for it; just like other technologies, e.g., Wifi, human thinking of human life without this technology will be hard one day.

Dr Mehwish Nasim | Research Scientist
- Mehwish worked as a Research Scientist in the Security Data Science team at CSIRO’s Data61 for nearly two years. During this time she reckon she worked on exciting projects with awesome colleagues. She got the opportunity to work with the Cyber Security CRC on a project related to executive decision making. She also published several papers on misinformation in online social networks during her time at CSIRO. She has now moved to Flinders University as a Lecturer where I will be working in the Computer Science school.

Dr Muhammed Esgin | Postdoctoral Fellow
- Muhammed completed his PhD study in May 2020. His research mainly focuses on lattice-based cryptography, a promising candidate for quantum-safe cryptography. In particular, he is interested in lattice-based zero-knowledge proofs and their applications to advanced cryptographic tools and protocols such as ring/group signatures and blockchain protocols.
- In today’s computerised world, billions of people rely heavily on security systems that protect a tremendous amount of sensitive information ranging from banking information to government secrets. The algorithms currently used in such systems rely on classical cryptographic assumptions that do not provide security against powerful quantum computers. In this thesis, new techniques in lattice-based cryptography, one of the most promising candidates for quantum-safe cryptography, are explored with a practice-oriented approach in mind. A particular focus is on privacy-preserving protocols and their higher level applications. To this end, the thesis starts from building foundational techniques and proceeds towards practical schemes, constructing a full-fledged quantum-safe blockchain protocol in the end.
- Publications: dblp | Google Scholar
- Tags: Post-quantum Cryptography | Lattice-based Cryptography | Privacy-preserving Protocols
Dr Nazatul Haque Sultan | Research Associate
- Nazatul is a Research Associate working with CSIRO’s Data61 and Advanced Cyber Security Engineering Research Centre (ACSRC), The University of Newcastle. Prior to that, he was working as a Research and Development Engineer in the RST Department at Télécom SudParis, Institute Polytechnique de Paris, France. He also worked as a Senior Research Fellow in Govt. of India sponsored R&D projects. Nazatul received his Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati in November 2019. He also completed Master of Technology in Information Technology and Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering. His research interests include Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) and Applied Cryptography for distributed systems and decentralized architectures, i.e., IoT, Fog, Cloud, Named Data Networking (NDN); Searchable Encryption; Role-Based Encryption; and Access Control
- Publications: Orcid | Google Scholar
- Tags: Applied Cryptography | Data Privacy | Cybersecurity

Dr Raj Gaire | Principal Experimental Scientist
- Raj provides leadership in engineering innovation, project delivery and collaboration to the Distributed Systems Security group. His research interests include security, cloud computing, wireless sensor network and bioinformatics.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Software Engineering | Distributed Systems | Cybersecurity | Cloud/fog/edge Computing | Multidisciplinary science
- Highlight: I am passionate about delivering our science excellence to industries through collaboration and partnership for the economic, social and environmental benefit of society.
Dr Rajiv Ranjan | Chair Professor in Computing Science and Internet of Things
- Prof. Rajiv Ranjan is an Australian-British computer scientist, of Indian origin, known for his research in Distributed Systems (Cloud Computing, Big Data, and the Internet of Things). He is University Chair Professor for the Internet of Things research in the School of Computing of Newcastle University, United Kingdom. He is also the director of Networked and Ubiquitous Systems Engineering (NUSE) Group, jointly with Dr. Graham Morgan, in the School of Computing. He is an internationally established scientist in the area of Distributed Systems (having published about 275 scientific papers). He has secured more than $14 Million+ AUD (£7 Million+ GBP) in the form of competitive research grants from both public and private agencies. He is an innovator with strong and sustained academic and industrial impact and a globally recognized R&D leader with the proven track record. He serves on the editorial boards of top quality international journals including IEEE Transactions on Computers (2014-2016), IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, ACM Computing Surveys, ACM Transactions on the Internet of Things, The Computer (Oxford University), The Computing (Springer) and Future Generation Computer Systems. He is one of the highly cited authors (top 0.05%) in computer science and software engineering worldwide (h-index=52, g-index=158, and 15500+ Google scholar citations).
- Alumni since: September 2015
- Current role: Chair Professor in Computing Science and Internet of Things
- Publications: Publications
Dr Robertus Setiawan Aji Nugroho | Dean of Computer Science Faculty
- Robertus is a lecturer at Soegijapranata Catholic University in Semarang Indonesia and Visiting Scientist at CSIRO Data61, Australia. He received his PhD from the Department of Computing, Macquarie University, Australia, in 2018 and masters degree in computing and information technology from the University of New South Wales, Australia, in 2009. Before returning to Soegijapranata Catholic University, Robertus worked as a research fellow at Macquarie University and CSIRO Data61. He was awarded a postgraduate studentship position at CSIRO Australia (2014–2017). In 2015, he received the best student paper award at IEEE BigData Congress 2015 and the best paper award at Web Information System Engineering (WISE) 2015 Conference. His current research interests include big data, social network analysis, and machine learning.
- Alumni since: May 2018
- Current role: Dean of Computer Science Faculty at Soegijapranata Catholic University
- Publications: Robertusnugroho
- Highlight: Joining DSS allowed me to meet world class researchers and learn many good things that lead me to my current role and capability in research.

Dr Ruwan Nagahawatta | Research Scientist
- Ruwan is a researcher and an academic in cyber security. Ruwan hold a PhD in the cloud security and privacy from RMIT University, a Bachelor of Science degree with First Class Honours from the University of Kelaniya and a Master of Information Technology degree from the University of Colombo. He is passionate about cyber security and privacy and human-centric cybersecurity. He had the opportunity to obtain academic placements at the Monash University, RMIT University and Deakin University as a researcher and academic. His current research interests span the areas of privacy and security in cloud computing, small business cyber security, human-centric cyber security, statistical analysis, and cyber security management.
- Address: Clayton, VIC 3168, Australia
- Publications: Google scholar | Research Gate
- Tags: Cloud Security and Privacy | Human Centric Security | System Security | Cyber Security Training and Awareness

Dr Sanat Bista | Research Fellow – Information Engineering
- While at CSIRO, Sanat worked as a research fellow within the Information Engineering Laboratory (currently Distributed Systems Group). His primary involvement was in theNextStep online community project within the Human Services Delivery Research Alliance (HSDRA) between CSIRO and the Australian Government Department of Human Services (DHS). Working together with the Knowledge Discovery and Management Group, the project explored innovative use of social networks to help DHS customers achieve better outcomes through access to informational and emotional support in the online community.
In addition to the delivery of the online community, Sanat and team researched into Social Trust within the online community, addressing questions like: how does trust evolve, how do we measure it, what influences trust, how do we visualise trust interactively, is trust dependent on engagement, how do we boost engagement etc. - Alumni since: Oct 2014
- Publications: DBLP
- Current role: Executive Technology Leader, Australian Government. As an executive leader in the Data and Artificial intelligence area, Sanat leads projects that seek to automate and optimise analytical capabilities that would support senior leaders to make efficient and effective investment decisions.

Dr Selasi Kwashie | Research Scientist
- Selasi’s research interests and expertise lie primarily at the intersection of database theory and systems, data mining and machine learning. His work seeks to develop sound theoretic foundations that enable the design of effective and efficient solutions to tackle real-world problems. He was a research fellow at the University of South Australia and collaborated with Data to Decisions CRC on their Integrated Law Enforcement project. Some of his notable works include: (1) the development of novel classes of integrity constraints for both relational and graph data, (2) the design of techniques for automatic knowledge discovery in data, and (3) the development of a precise entity linking and resolution system for identifying multiple, differing, and possibly contradicting representations of unique real-world entities in relational and text data. Currently, at CSIRO’s Data61, his work studies and proffers new ideas and techniques for addressing diverse cyber security problems using data science and machine learning principles.
- Publications: ORCID |DBLP |Google Scholar
- Tags: Database Theory | Data Mining | Machine Learning | Data Quality | Database Management
- Highlight:The thrill of the ‘Eureka’ moment, the joy of discovery, and the fulfilment of impactful solutions are the major driving forces that propel my research work and render all the toil, frustrations, and challenges that often come with research bearable. However, on the day-to-day basis, a cup of good coffee does the trick! And, I find the following quote by Peter Drucker inspiring: ‘Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly or it vanishes’.

Dr Shabnam Kasra Kermanshahi | JV Postdoctoral Fellow
- Shabnam is a postdoctoral research fellow at RMIT University jointly with CSIRO’s Data61 under the supervision of Prof. Xun Yi, and Dr Surya Nepal. Her current research focuses on searchable encryption, database security, privacy and data protection. Her research interests lie in the area of applied cryptography.
- Publications: ORCID
- Tags: Searchable Encryption | Cloud Data Protection | Privacy in Cloud | Applied Cryptography

Dr Shifeng Sun | JV Postdoctoral Fellow, Monash
- Shifeng (aka Shi-Feng) is currently a research fellow in the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University, Clayton. Meanwhile, he is a visiting scientist at CSIRO’s Data61. Prior to joining Monash, he obtained his PhD degree in Computer Science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China in 2016. His research interests centre on cryptography and data privacy, particularly: provably secure cryptosystems against side-channel attacks, data privacy-preserving technology in cloud storage and privacy-enhancing technology in blockchain.
Dr Shiping Chen | Team Leader Architecture and Analytic Platform
- Shiping is a principal research scientist at CSIRO’s Data61. He holds an conjoint A/Professor title with the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and the University of Sydney. He has been working on distributed systems for 20+ years with focus on performance and security. He has published 180+ research papers and has been actively participating in research communities through publishing papers, journal editorships and conference PC/Chair services. His current research interests include: application security, blockchain and service-oriented trusted collaboration. He is a senior member of the IEEE.
- Alumni since: May 2019
- Current role: Team Leader, CSIRO’s Data61
- Publications: EDU | GitHub|ORCID|Google Scholar
- Highlight: It has been a real pleasure to help Dr Nepal build up the DSS research group from scratch from NICTA/CSIRO merger in 2015. It allowed me to witness DSS growing from small to big, from weak to strong, from uncertain to confident, even though we faced a lot of difficulties including shortage of staff, funding, and trust. I consider it an honour to have been a part of that journey, which has become one of the most unforgettable experience & memory in my life.

Dr Shuo Wang | Research Scientist
- Shuo’s earlier research work and PhD was in the School of Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne (2015-2018). His research interests are in the areas of: Adversarial Machine Learning (AML), attacks and defences of deep neural networks, secure deep learning and artificial intelligence on medical/healthcare data, and computer security, privacy, and applied cryptography, including security and privacy issues in systems, software, networking, and databases.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Adversarial Machine Learning | Computer System Security and Privacy

Dr Slivia (Siqi) Ma | Postdoctoral Fellow
- Slivia is a R+ postdoctoral fellow targeting bugs. Her work is to design tools and systems to help developers check whether their development is secure and what potential attacks might happen. Consider from the security perspective, developers do not know how to fix existing bugs unless those bugs are pointed out. Therefore, Slivia’s tools are significant to help developers with identification. Her analysis mainly targets software such as apps and firmware, web protocols but is not limited to them.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: System Security | Web Security | Vulnerability Detection and Repair
- Highlight: I particularly enjoy the opportunity to help others, particularly those less familiar with bugs.

Dr Sushmita Ruj | Senior Research Scientist
- Sushmita is a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO’s Data61. Prior to joining Data61, she spent seven years in academia, as Assistant Professor at IIT Indore and as Associate Professor at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. Her research interests are in applied cryptography, blockchains, data privacy and cybersecurity. Sushmita’s aim is to bridge the gap between theory and practice, by designing practical, efficient and provably secure protocols that can be deployed in real-life applications. She actively collaborates with industry, academia and government and has delivered over 70 technical lectures around the world. She is a senior member of ACM and IEEE. At Indian Statistical Institute, she led a flourishing team of Masters, PhD students and PostDocs. She has won several competitive grants like Samsung GRO Award, NetApp Faculty Fellowship, Cisco Academic Grant and IBM Research OCSP grant. She enjoys mentoring and cares about research that positively affects people’s lives.
- Publications: Google Scholar |ORCID
- Tags: Applied Cryptography | Blockchain | Data Privacy | Cybersecurity
Dr Suraj Pandey | Consulting Architect
- Suraj is a driven senior technical professional with a love of client engagements+technology and ready to challenge the norms with senior executives.Demonstrated applied machine learning skills (search my name in Google Scholar and Patents) Experience building, testing and deploying data-driven software applications (check my client network) Strong software development background (born to code) Hands-on experience analyzing real-world data (Banking, industrial, retail, telco, oil&gas) Strong oral and written communication skills Ability to effectively communicate quantitative results to non-technical stakeholders Domain expertise in : data analytics, Cloud Paas Consulting experience in USA, A/NZ markets – directly interacting with clients to scope a problem, build a solution, and communicate the results.
- Alumni since: May 2012
- Current role: Consulting Architect at Elastic (Asia-Pacific)
- Publications: Google Scholar| LinkedIn
- Highlight: It was fun working and living with talented, fun-loving people at CSIRO. Researchers are dedicated to science and technology, and are guided by elite leadership. I learnt a lot working with the brightest minds of Australia and was able to contribute towards publications, external funding initiatives (such as Nectar), and industry collaborations.

Dr Tarique Anwar | Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Tarique is working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at CSIRO’s Data61 and Macquarie University. He obtained a Master of Computer Science and Applications degree from Jamia Millia Islamia (India), and PhD degree in Computer Science from Swinburne University of Technology (Australia) jointly with CSIRO’s Data61. Prior to starting his current position, he held positions as Assistant Professor (currently on sabbatical leave) at Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Australia’s Swinburne University of Technology, and Researcher at King Saud University in Saudi Arabia. He has authored/co-authored more than 25 research papers in leading international conferences and journals. His research has won a Best Paper award in the SSDBM 2017 conference and was one of the finalists for the ABJ70’s Kikuchi-Karlaftis Best Paper award in the TRB 2016 Annual Meeting. His research interest lies in the areas of data science, social networks, spatial database, and big data analytics.
- Publications: ORCID |Google Scholar |DBLP
- Tags: Data Science | Trust in Social Networks | Data-driven Cyber Security
- Highlight: Data has immense potential, and Data61 provides the perfect platform to develop innovative ideas, algorithms, and systems to effectively use the data.

Mr Terry Moschou
- Terry’s main areas of expertise are in the big data and data analytics space. He has had multiple experiences developing big data solutions and software applications, predominantly leveraging Spark, HBase and Elasticsearch. More recently Terry has applied his expertise for developing graph storage and processing solutions to facilitate advance graph machine learning on large scale datasets, developing systems for distributed machine learning and a cloud-based marketplace for “climate risk” analytics in the financial services domain. Terry has now moved into the start-up world since August 2021 with Fivecast developing engineering solutions in the space of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).

Mr Thomas Wijaya
- Thomas is a software engineer with a Bachelor of Science (Computer Science and AI) and a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics Engineering). He has an in-depth knowledge of writing web apps and web API’s. His previous experience ranged from using Angular 2+ for front-end, to working with a variety of back-end technologies such as Kafka, Redis, JsReport, ElasticSearch and more.

Mr Travis Simon
- Travis is a senior engineer with over 20 years of experience across a wide range of industries. His passion is building great products with a focus on amazing end-user experiences.

Dr Tran Viet Xuan Phuong | Contributed Postdoctoral Fellow – UoW, Research fellow
- Tran received her Bachelor degree from the Vietnam National University – University of Science in 2010, a Masters degree from Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in 2012 and a PhD degree at the School of Computing and Information Technology, University of Wollongong, Australia in 2016. Tran was previously a Postdoc Research Associate at the Centre for Cybersecurity Education and Research, Old Dominion University, Virginia USA and is currently a Research Fellow at CSIRO’s Data61 and University of Wollongong. Her main research interest is applied cryptography, network security, and lightweight IoT computation.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Functional Encryption | Broadcast Encryption | Secure Lightweight Computation | Smart IoT Devices | Blockchain Security
- Highlight: I thoroughly enjoy research and feel thankful to work together with such great colleagues and experts to solve the new challenges of cryptography.
Dr Xuyun Zhang | Senior Lecturer
- Xuyun is currently working as a senior lecturer in cyber security in Department of Computing at Macquarie University in Australia. Prior to that, he worked as a lecturer in The University of Auckland during 2016 ~ 2019 and a postdoc researcher in NICTA (National ICT Australia, now Data61, CSIRO) during 2014 ~ 2016. He got his PhD degree in Computer Science and Technology from University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia, and his Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in the same major from Nanjing University, China. He worked as a co-supervised PhD student in CSIRO ICT from 2011 to 2014 under a top-up scholarship. His research interests include big data privacy and cyber security, scalable and secure machine learning, big data mining and analytics, cloud/edge/service computing and IoT, etc.
- Alumni since: Feb 2016
- Current role: Senior Lecturer, Department of Computing, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Macquarie University; Undergraduate Cyber Security program leader
- Publications: Google Scholar| LinkedIn

Yanjun Zhang | Research Fellow
- Yanjun Zhang is a research fellow within CSIRO’s Data61 and The University of Queensland. Her research interests include privacy-preserving computing, federated learning and data mining.
- Tags: Privacy-preserving Computation | Machine Learning | Data Security and Privacy

Dr Yifeng Zheng | Postdoctoral Fellow
- Yifeng received a PhD degree in Computer Science from City University of Hong Kong, China in 2019, and a Bachelor of Information Engineering from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China in 2013. From 2014 to 2015, he worked as a Research Assistant in the Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong. He received an Outstanding Teaching award for Teaching Assistants, Outstanding Academic Performance award, and the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Scholarship from City University of Hong Kong in 2018. His current research interests include security in cloud media applications, security in IoT applications, and privacy-aware computing.
- Publications: GitHub
- Tags: Cloud and IoT security | Machine Learning Privacy | Secure Computation

Dr Zhi Zhang | Postdoctoral Fellow
- Zhi Zhang is now a postdoctoral fellow at Marsfield site, Data61, CSIRO. He received his bachelor from Sichuan University, China in 2011, master from Peking University, China in 2014 and Ph.D. from the University of New South Wales in 2021. His research interests are in the areas of system security, virtualization, and adversarial artificial intelligence.
- Publications: ORCID |Google Scholar
- Tags: System Security | Virtualization | AI Security
Dr Zubair Baig| Senior Lecturer
- Zubair (B.S., M.S., Ph.D., CISSP) is a cyber security professional based in Melbourne. He is presently a senior lecturer in cyber security at Deakin University, Victoria, Australia. He has previously undertaken complex and mission critical cyber security projects, and has an impeccable track record as a cyber security inventor, academic, researcher and consultant. He has two US patents and eighty research articles in international journals and conferences. In addition, he has been interviewed on radio and TV channels on numerous occasions and has delivered more than a dozen keynote talks on cyber security internationally.
- Alumni since: Jan 2019
- Current role: Senior Lecturer, Cyber Security, Deakin University, Victoria, Australia
- Publications: Google Scholar

David James Holmes | Edith Cowan University
David is a Cyber Security CRC PhD student from the Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Perth, Western Australia. David’s PhD project relates to the semantic modelling of digital twins from a cyber security defence automation perspective. David also has an interest in the blending of blockchain technology into the digital twin and cyber-physical system domains. David comes to the research environment with a Master of Network Technology, a Master of Cybersecurity and extensive experience in private enterprise, where, as a network engineer, he worked for over 25 years in Australia and in other countries around the world providing business end-user network technical support.
This business experience gives David a unique perspective on the mutually beneficial returns from the interaction between research and commerce where his focus is on making research relevant to the business model.
- Publications: Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8644-4387
- Tags: Network Engineering | Honeypots | Semantic Modelling | Digital Twins | Blockchaining

Gnanakumar Thedchanamoorthy | Charles Sturt University
- Gnana is a PhD student attached to the School of Computing & Mathematics, Charles Sturt University. His interests are in privacy preserving data collection techniques for statistical aggregation. Currently his area of interest lies around Local Differential Privacy. He is being supported by a scholarship from the Cyber Security Corporate Research Centre.
- Publications: Orcid ; Researchgate ; Google scholar;
- Tags: Data Privacy | Differential Privacy | Local Differential Privacy.

Jialiang (Kaelin) Dong | University of New South Wales
- Jialiang is a PhD Student at UNSW Canberra. His current research focuses include on-device AI security, software security, and software supply chain security, encompassing areas such as AI model deployment analysis, third-party library analysis, and static analysis. In addition to traditional software analysis techniques, he is actively exploring the application of AI tools in software analysis.
- Tags: Software Security | AI Security | Software Supply Chain Security
- Publications: Google Scholar

Keerth Rathakumar | ANU
- Keerth is a research affiliate of CSIRO. He gained his Bachelor of Science from ANU and worked in the analytics and software engineering industry before joining CSIRO. His research interests lie in representation learning. In particular, he is interested in interpretable generative models.
- Tags: Generative models | Inference

Mathew Duong | The University of Adelaide
- Mathew is a master’s student at the University of Adelaide. He received his bachelor’s degree in software engineering at the University of Adelaide in 2021. His research is centered in cyber security specially looking into vulnerability analysis using automated testing techniques.
- Tags: Cyber Security | Fuzzing | Causality analysis

Michael Chesser | The University of Adelaide
- Michael is a PhD student from the University of Adelaide focusing on binary vulnerability analysis using fuzzing techniques. He is particularly interested in manipulating and executing binaries in order to analyse them in new and unique ways.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Cyber Security | Fuzzing | Emulation | Virtual Machine
Mina Khan | The University of Adelaide
- My name is Mina Khan. I am a PhD candidate at Deakin University, Australia. My research focuses on developing a useability framework for Verifiable Credentials which will help promote the use of Decentralized Identity Management solutions. I am studying under the supervision of Prof Robin Ram Mohan Doss (Deakin University), Dr Jay Jeong (Deakin University), Dr. Marthie Grobler (CSIRO/Data61), Tina Wu (CSIRO/Data61), Jasmin Krapf (BUPA) and Paul Burrow (BUPA). Previously, I completed my Master of Information Technology from Charles Sturt University, Australia in 2018. The title of my final year project was “Internet of Things (IoT) From a Legal and Ethical Perspective”. I completed my Bachelor of Science in Electrical (Computer) Engineering from COMSATS Institute of IT, Pakistan in 2016. The title of my final year project was “IP Controlled Robot Receptionist/Guide through Raspberry Pi”. During my PhD, I am eager to learn from all my supervisors and just like them, become an expert in the field of cybersecurity.
- Tags: Verifiable credentials | Decentralized Identity | Self-sovereign identity (SSI)

Nuwan Kaluarachchi | RMIT University
- Nuwan Kaluarachchi is an HDR candidate in mathematical sciences at RMIT. He is working with Multimodal multi-device continuous authentication to enhance safety by adding more protection over passwords and PINs to multiple devices simultaneously using machine learning and deep learning techniques under the supervision of Dr Arathi Arakala (RMIT), Dr Sevvandi Kandannarachchi (RMIT) and Dr Kristen Moore (Data61),. He completed his bachelor’s degree in Applied Statistics at the Faculty of Science, the University of Colombo, with a First Class Honours. He won the Gold Medal for the Best Student in Applied Statistics. He worked as an Associate data engineer at Altria Consulting Pvt. Ltd before arriving in Melbourne, Australia.
- Tags: Use authentication | Biometrics | Machine learning algorithms | Anomaly detection
- Highlight: ‘Digital security is essential in the highly digitalised world. I’m excited to support finding better solutions for providing a safe multi-device experience by enhancing the social well-being of the users. Your device is under your complete authenticity.’

Robert Marlin | Queensland University of Technology
- Robert worked as a Research Assistant at QUT in 2019 investigating blockchain within industry application. Currently Robert is undertaking a PhD degree with QUT, CSIRO, and Data61 researching “Distributed and Privacy Preserving Analytics of Smart Grid Data”. Robert has over a decade of hands on experience in the ITC industry, including working for 5 years as the Network Administrator for the Statistical Institute of Belize.
- Tags: Machine Learning | Blockchain Technology | Cybersecurity

Saud Khan | The Australian National University
- Saud is a Doctoral Candidate with the School of Engineering at The Australian National University and Data61, CSIRO. He holds a first-class honours equivalent qualification and receives the equivalent Australian Government Research Training Program and CSIRO Postgraduate Research Scholarship. His previous background includes two years of full-time experience overseeing industrial project research at the Kumoh National Institute of Technology, South Korea, funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea (equivalent to Discovery Project of the Australian Research Council). His research focuses on bridging the gap between deep learning, the internet of things, and cybersecurity in the physical layer wireless communication domain.
- Publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=eEe1-SkAAAAJ&hl=en
- Tags: Deep Learning | Internet of Things | Wireless Communication | Physical Layer Security

Ahmad Salehi Shahraki | Monash University
- After working in industry for 10 years, Ahmad completed a Master of Science degree in Information Security from the University Technology of Malaysia, and a Master of Philosophy degree in Information Security from Queensland University of Technology. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Cybersecurity at Monash University. Ahmads key research interests include formal method, access control, healthcare and cryptographic protocols with a particular focus on cyber security in the dynamic cross-domain authorisation in Internet of Things (IoT) and healthcare system. He received the 2018 Fraunhofer Innovation Award InnoHealth Australia 2017-2019, and has introduced a decentralised access control model for dynamic collaboration of healthcare applications (published in InnoHealth 2019 (Australia and Germany), IEEE IM 2019 (USA) and IEEE TrustCom 2019 (New Zealand)).
- Publications: ORCID
- Tags: Network Security | Cryptography | Access Control | Healthcare and Formal Model

Anahita Namvar | UNSW
- Anahita is a PhD scholar at UNSW and DATA61 CSIRO Australia. The driving interest of her research is around adversarial machine learning. She has hands on experience using big data analytics tools and in-depth technical knowledge of data science particularly in machine learning, statistical analysis, credit scoring and customer segmentation. her current research interests encompass adversarial machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, and cybersecurity.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Adversarial Machine learning | IoT

Adam Drogemuller | UniSA
Adam Drogemuller is a PhD Student at the University of South Australia specializing in topics of Human-Computer Interaction and Virtual Reality. His research emphasizes on investigating approaches on how to improve the communication of data by making it more engaging and accessible through the use of novel and immersive technologies. In particular, interactive data visualizations through Virtual Reality and physical fabrication.
Publications: Google Scholar
Tags: Data Visualization | Immersive Analytics | Design | Fabrication

Alasdair Tran | ANU
- Alasdair is a PhD student in the Computation Media Lab at the Australian National University. His research sits at the intersection of computer vision, natural language processing, and neural graph networks. He’s particularly interested in encoding knowledge into deep learning models. Prior to his PhD studies, he worked as a data scientist and a software engineer at various organisations and startups including Data to Decisions CRC and Mathspace.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Natural Language Understanding | Image Captioning | Graph Neural Networks | Computational Social Science
- Highlight: I love working at the forefront of machine learning and being able to build machines that can think more like humans. It’s amazing to see how much progress we’ve made in recent years in deep learning and I’m really curious to see what an AI in 10 years would look like!

Adam Tonkin | University of Adelaide
- Vacation Scholar 2020
- Adam is a Mathematics and Computer Science student from the University of Adelaide with a current interest in natural language processing and game theory. Having found his way to his current studies through a partial Bachelor of Science, as well as nine years teaching English literature and sociology, he is, naturally, also interested in educational statistics and intuitive automation. So, it comes as no surprise that Adam is excited to lend his skills to Data 61’s project on intuitive decision-making interfaces.

Aditya Pribadi Kalapaaking | RMIT University
- Vacation Scholar 2020
- Aditya is a vacation student at CSIRO’s Data61. In 2019, Aditya received his Bachelor of Information Technology with a Distinction predicate from RMIT University Australia. In 2020 he received a Bachelor of Computer Science from BINUS University Indonesia for the double degree program. In the same year, he received his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Honours) degree with First-Class Honours predicate from RMIT University. His main research interests are in Cybersecurity, Blockchain technology, Privacy Preservation.
Tags: Cybersecurity | Cryptography | Blockchain | Distributed System | Privacy Preservation
LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adityapribadi/

Andrew Carse
- Vacation Scholar 2020
- “I am a hardworking and enthusiastic student at The Australian National University studying Advanced Computing Honours with a major in Cybersecurity and a specialisation in ML. I am currently working as a vacation student at the Canberra, Black Mountain CSIRO site. My research is concerned with determining the latency and costs associated with running serverless computing based ML applications in comparison to virtualized servers or distributed containerised systems.”

Annie Gilda Roselin Arockia Baskaran | UTS
- Annie is a final year PhD student. Her research focuses on End-to-End IoT Security.
- Publications: ORCID
- Tags: IoT Security | Lightweight Authentication | 6LoWPAN | Network Packet Analysis | Deep Learning IDS

Alex Long | UNSW
- Alex is a final year Computer Science PhD at UNSW, focusing on Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning. Previously he simultaneously completed an M.E. (UQ, 1st hons.) and MSc. (TUM, 1st hons.) in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University Munich with a thesis on humanoid robotics that received a rarely awarded 1.0. He administers and guest lectures the Neural network and Introduction to AI courses at UNSW.
- Tags: Reinforcement Learning | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence | Representation Learning | Neural Networks

Arthur Wong | UNSW
- Arthur is a penultimate student, studying a combined Engineering/Commerce degree. He is currently working with CSIRO Data61 to study the effectiveness of website cloning attacks against modern anti-phishing software. Although his expertise is in web development, he is also interested in data science, and how software can be applied to financial mathematics.
- Tags: Software Engineering | Cybersecurity

Benjamin Retschlag | UQ
- Benjamin is a PhD candidate at the University of Queensland (UQ) and the CSIRO Responsible Innovation Future Science Platform (RI FSP), and is funded as part of the CSIRO-UQ Collaboration. His current research interests are focused on the intersection of ethical and methodological issues in data science, and on the formalisation of moral decision-making in automated systems.
- Publications: ORCID
- Tags: Moral philosophy | Philosophy and ethics of technology | Research ethics | Responsible innovation

Bushra Sabir | University of Adelaide
- Bushra is a Data61 PhD student from the University of Adelaide working on Adversarial Machine learning in the Cyber-security domain. Specially she is working on evasion and poisoning attacks and defences in Cyber-security systems such as phishing, spam, malware, intrusion and data exfiltration detectors. Previously, she worked on two studies after commencing her PHD which are under review.
- 1. Machine Learning for Detecting Data Exfiltration: A Review (ACM Computing Survey)
2. Impact of Adversarial Examples on Phishing URL Classifiers (IEEE symposium of Security and Privacy) - Publications: IMTDE
- Tags: Adversarial Machine Learning | Deep learning | Cybersecurity

Bedeuro Kim | Sungkyunkwan University
- Bedeuro received his Master of Computer Science degree from Sungkyunkwan University of Republic of Korea in 2017. He is now PhD student in the Sungkyunkwan University. His current research interests are usable security and web security.
- Tags: Usable security | Web security
Bin Yu
- Bin is a final year PhD student in the cyber security lab at Monash University, currently researching the privacy protection and consensus of blockchain systems. He has implemented a secured voting system on Hyperledger fabric, proposed and emulated a distributed file system for blockchain and proposed the routing protocols for secured payment channel networks. Prior to his PhD study, he worked at the IBM Linux Technology Centre in China as a software developer in the OpenStack Community.
- Publications: GitHub
- Tags: IoT Security | Blockchain | Distributed System Security | Privacy Protection

Caitlin Gray | University of Adelaide
Student profile: https://www.d2dcrc.com.au/student-profile?id=30DyPFCee

Calvin Wang
My name is Calvin and I am a Vacation Student at CSIRO’s Data61, working under the Smart Shield project. I am a Computer Science and Commerce (Finance) graduate from UNSW who enjoys problem solving and developing innovative technical solutions, and thus I am excited to be working in the forefront of the cyber security space. I come from a technical background, with previous professional experience in internships at Commonwealth Bank and Accenture, and have strong experience in programming and full stack web development through both personal and university projects.

Chadni Islam | UoA
- The focus of Chadni’s PhD is providing reference architecture for security orchestration and automation that can facilitate design and development of concrete self-adaptive security orchestration platform. Security orchestration and automation aim to integrate different types of multivendor security software used by a security operation centre to automate and accelerate the incident response process. Her work falls at the intersection of cybersecurity and software engineering that aims to provide architecture support for large-scale realisation of security orchestration and automation. Chadni is leveraging existing software engineering, analytical reasoning, natural language processing and machine learning tools and techniques to develop an intelligence self-adaptive security orchestration and automation platform.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Software Engineering | Software Architecture | Cybersecurity | Security Orchestration and Automation | Natural Language Processing
- Highlight: I find that attempting to address one of the critical issues faced by security operation centres – integrating multivendor isolated heterogeneous security software/tools – incredibly motivational. Mentoring has always played an essential role in my PhD Journey, that’s why working under the direct supervision of prominent researchers, such as Dr Surya Nepal and Professor Ali Babar, inspires me to improve my capabilities on a daily basis.

Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna Diwelwatta Gamage | UNSW
- Chamila has submitted his thesis for examination in January 2020 with Dr Marthie Grobler and Dr Nalin Arachchilage as supervisors. Chamila is a PhD student at University of New South Wales, Canberra. Prior to his PhD, he worked as a software engineer at WSO2 Inc. Chamila’s research interests include API usability, programmer experience, programmer psychology and usable security.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: API Usability | Programmer Experience | Programmer Psychology | Usable Security

Chanjong Lee | Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
- Chanjong is currently spending his 2nd semester as a graduate student in Sydney. he has got bachelor’s degrees in ‘Economics’ and ‘Computer Science and Engineering’ from his alma mater and is continuing his career as a student there to deepen his understanding of Computer Science. He is working on research related to Blockchain these days, and plans to expand the scope of his writing paper to include subjects related to ML shortly.
- Tags: Blockchain | Machine learning | Cyber Security

Chaoran Li | Swinburne University of Technology
- Chaoran received a Bachelor of Information Technology degree from Deakin University in 2018. He is currently working towards a PhD degree at Swinburne University of Technology. His research interests include malware detection and adversarial machine learning. Deep learning techniques have recently been developed to cope with the booming increase of malware in various platforms, rendering investigating vulnerabilities and enhancing the robustness even more critical.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Malware Detection | Adversarial Machine Learning

Charles Harold | Swinburne University of Technology
- Charles is a PhD student at CSIRO’s Data61 researching distributed self-managing systems. Charles’s research is focused on creating more resilient and robust networks by decentralising existing network control models. Previously, Charles worked as a specialist for one of the largest (physical) metrology equipment suppliers in Australia, applying his expertise in a number of diverse engineering domains including aerospace, automotive, rail, defence, medical and power generation.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Multi Agent Systems | Distributed Reasoning | Distributed Self-Managing Systems
- Highlight: Since first learning about programming and AI in my early twenties, I have been working to transition my career. Now, working with world leading experts, I am truly inspired to apply myself in addressing the challenges of the future.

Chehara Pathmabandu | Monash
- Chehara is a PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University Melbourne where she is part of the Cyber Security and Systems research organisation. She is bringing hands-on background experience in data mining, machine learning and image processing technologies. The main objective of her research is to preserve building automation data and user behavioural patterns from outsiders as building automation systems share their sensitive data with stakeholders to gain benefits or reduce overall cost. Therefore, by creating an interface to protect the smart building data, it is possible to avoid tenants being identified, profiled and tracked.
- Tags: Data Mining | Cyber-security and Privacy | Image and Signal Processing | Machine Learning
- Highlight: Being surrounded by people who are just as keen on cybersecurity as I am, and understanding the competitiveness of the discipline is motivating me to progress even more.

Connor Bakaj | The University of Adelaide
- Vacation Scholar
- Connor is currently studying Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Adelaide with a focus on cyber security and defence. Connor has previously worked on engineering research projects at the University of Adelaide which focused on the design and computational analysis of load bearing structures. He is looking to develop his skills in the data science domain and use his engineering background to give a unique perspective to this field.
- Tags: Cyber Security | Mechanical Engineering
Highlight: I am really excited about working with the bright scientists at CSIRO’s Data61 and looking forward to learning as much as possible from them.

Cong Zuo | Monash University
- Cong is currently pursuing a PhD degree under the supervision of Dr Joseph K. Liu, Shi-Feng Sun and Dr Josef Pieprzyk. His main research interests are applied cryptography and searchable symmetric encryption.
- Publications: dblp |Google Scholar
- Tags: Searchable Symmetric Encryption | Cryptography

Dennis Liu | University of Adelaide
- Dennis is a PhD student at the University of Adelaide under the supervision of Joshua Ross and Lewis Mitchell in the School of Mathematical Sciences, and is interested in data science, systems design, meaningful insights and learning algorithms. Currently, he is working on developing models of disease outbreaks based on digital data, and understanding the inherent biases in digital data. Alongside this work, he is also investigating different statistical & machine learning algorithms to understand their mathematical foundations and their appropriate use.
- Publications: Orcid
- Tags: Epidemiology | Bayesian Inference | Digital Data
- Highlight:
A major highlight was assisting the Australian Government response and preparedness for COVID-19 through epidemiological modelling, and being asked to help inform the greater public on the mathematics behind why we should flatten the curve by The Conversation.

David Nguyen | UNSW
David is a PhD candidate at the UNSW Sydney and Cybersecurity CRC. His current research interests lie in developing machine learning techniques applied to Cybersecurity. Existing research focuses on graph neural networks to improve existing deception capabilities across various forms of media. David has also spent several years working in industry as a commercial manager and machine learning engineer within Australian and international technology companies.
- Publications: Orcid
- Tags: Machine Learning | Graph Neural Networks | Cybersecurity | Deception Technology

Derui (Derek) Wang | Swinburne University of Technology
- Derui (Derek) received his Bachelor degree from Huazhong University of Technology, China and his Master of Science degree from Deakin University, Australia. He is working on adversarial machine learning and AI-related cybersecurity. Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are powerful in machine learning tasks, yet DNNs are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Investigating vulnerabilities of complex DNN systems and enhancing the robustness and resilience of the DNNs are the key to trustworthy and secure deep learning applications. Dereks other research interests include applied machine learning, decision-making systems, and complex networks.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Cybersecurity | Adversarial Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Adversarial Examples

Dimaz Wijaya | Monash University
- Dimaz Ankaa Wijaya (PhD at Monash University) submitted his thesis, entitled “Anonymity in Cryptocurrency”, in April 2020. He worked under Dr Dongxi Liu’s supervision for three years, supported by Data61 Top-up Scholarship. Dimaz focuses on anonymity in cryptocurrency. He is also interested in Blockchain technology implementation in taxation. A cryptocurrency is a decentralised digital currency that utilises blockchain technology to remove the role of a central authority. Monero is one of the cryptocurrencies that improves its anonymity by employing privacy-preserving cryptographic techniques, such as linkable ring signature. In this thesis, we explore three areas in Monero system that can cause anonymity problems. These areas are Monero transaction creation protocol, Monero protocol update, and Monero third-party services. We identify attack schemes to reduce honest users’ transaction anonymity. We then investigate the impact of Monero protocol updates to transaction anonymity. Lastly, we study wallet service providers that can trace Monero transactions and mining pools that leak information.
- Publications: DBLP
- Tags: Cryptocurrency | Blockchain
- Highlight: I enjoyed my time at Data61, with Dr Marthie Grobler as line manager. I also participated in the CSIRO mentoring program with Dr Gary Delaney as a mentor. The programs and activities at Data61 allowed me to polish my organisational and communication skills that are going to be useful in my future career.

Farina Riaz | University of South Queensland
- Farina is a PhD Student at CSIRO Data61. She has done master’s in computer software engineering from Pakistan with Internship at CERN Lab Switzerland. The project was focused on Grid Automation. She has also worked as Software Quality Assurance Engineer at NERO Company in 2007. She has 9 journal and conference publications. As part of her PhD, she is HDR Student representative at UniSQ research group, involved in taking all important decisions for research. She has 4 years teaching experience as a lecturer in different Universities in Dubai, UAE. Her current research is focused on Image classification using Quantum Machine Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems. She has designed few new models that are already outperforming Classical Machine Learning as part of her PhD at CSIRO Data61.
- Publications: ResearchGate
- Tags: Quantum Machine Learning | Quantum Cryptography | Quantum Artificial Intelligence | Signal Processing | Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
- Highlight: ‘New technology always inspires me. I love working at CSIRO Data61 as it has opened a broad prospect towards the new challenging research and how to apply problem solving skills. CSIRO spotlight me as “Women in Technology 2022”on my work in Quantum Artificial Intelligence Research and the appreciation and love I have received in my PhD journey; I will always cherish.’

Fei Zhu | RMIT University
- Fei is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Computing Technologies, RMIT University, Australia, under the supervision of Prof. Xun Yi (University) and Dr. Alsharif Abuadbba (Data61). His research interests include digital signatures, authenticated key agreement protocols, and IoT data security & privacy. Currently, he is working on the collaborative research project “Enhancing Data Security in IoT”.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Digital Signature | Data Security | IoT Security

Feixue Yan | Swinburne University of Technology
- Feixue received a Master of Software Engineering Degree from the Zhejiang University of China. She currently is a Data61 PhD student from the Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. The focus of Feixue’s PhD is providing interpretability for cyber-security systems, related to AI. She is engaged in explaining complex and obscure neural networks. Previously, she worked on a critical functional department, with her specialty of engineering such as software design, architecture development and system reconstruction.
- Publications: dblp |Google Scholar
- Tags: Interpretability | Software Engineering | Machine Learning

Guoxin Sun | The University of Melbourne
- Guoxin is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, the University of Melbourne. His research interests lie in the domain of cyber-physical security, machine learning, game theory and system theory. He received the B.S. degree in 2017 and the M.E. degree in 2019 from the University of Melbourne.
- Publications: Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0534-2440
- Tags: Cyber-Physical security | Machine learning | Game theory | System theory
- Highlight: Working as a summer intern in CSIRO’s Data61 with brilliant people inspired me to become part of this leading digital research network. I believe when great minds collide, giant leaps are made.

Hagen Lauer | Monash University
- Hagen Lauer (Monash University) has submitted his thesis in January 2020 with his supervisors Carsten Rudolph (Monash) and Surya Nepal (Data61). Hagen was a PhD Candidate in the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University, Australia where he conducted research on formal aspects of secure and trustworthy virtualisation systems. He received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Computer Science from Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen respectively in 2013 and 2014. During his studies, he was a research assistant at the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology where he worked on non-repudiation and tamper-resistant protocols for communication and industrial control systems. He joined Huawei’s German Research Center in Darmstadt in 2015 where he carried out research as a Security Technologist working on operating system integrity and verification. Before joining Monash University in 2016, he became an invited expert of the Trusted Computing Group where he currently serves as a co-chair for the Trusted Virtualized Platforms working group. Hagen’s research interest lies in the construction and verification of secure systems, formal methods, and information security. His PhD thesis deals with the formal analysis and design of next generation secure and trustworthy virtualisation systems. Producing verifiably secure virtualisation system designs is a fundamental step towards creating future distributed and cloud systems. Designing and composing large systems to provide desirable security guarantees is a core topic of the thesis.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Trusted Computing | Formal Methods | Virtualisation Security | Standardisation
- Highlight: My thesis entitled “Security and Trust I’m Virtual Environments” tackles the design and verification of a Virtual Trusted Platform for applications such as Cloud Computing. Virtualization is a core concept in modern cloud systems and clients place a vast amount of trust in the virtualization system to provide essential security guarantees such as data confidentiality and software integrity. A virtualization system’s unlimited access to software and data in virtual environments presents a genuine scientific challenge. The Trusted Computing Module (TPM) as part of a trusted platform can be used to establish trust in a computer and my thesis discusses challenges and presents solutions related to establishing trust in a virtual environment. With the help of my supervisors, I was able to make great progress and secure Monash University’s Postgraduate Publications Award for my thesis. With significant help from Data61, I was able to present our research at excellent venues which resulted in great feedback and many new research contacts across the globe. I am particularly grateful for Data61’s support in opportunities such as attending the 50th Turing Awards Conference, DSTG’s Hacking for Defense, Data61 Summer Schools, and several Trusted Computing Group events. Shortly after submitting my thesis, I joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology in Darmstadt, Germany as a research associate where I conduct my research and coordinate R&D projects in the Digital Energy space. I felt well prepared for this role because of the experience and influence from my colleagues and supervisors at Data61 and I certainly hope to collaborate with them again in the future.

Haonan Zhong | UNSW
- My name is Haonan Zhong, honour-year computer science student from UNSW. I’m interested in artificial intelligence technologies, in particular computer vision technologies and their related applications. My research topic for this summer student vacation project is security in AI, especially research about the characteristics about GAN model which may result to some security issues. And this project is supervised by Jason Xue, Tina Wu, Chamikara Mahawaga Arachchige and Chehara Pathmabandu, they are all experts in security area and give me a lot of suggestions. Through this project at CSIRO, I hope to gain a deeper understanding of cutting-edge artificial intelligence research and to develop and enhance my research skills and prepare me for honours degree in the coming year and for my PhD application afterwards.
- Tags:AI Security and Privacy
- Highlight: It is my pleasure to be a summer vacation student of Data61. Hope to try my best to make an effort in research field.

Hua Ma | UoA
- Hua Ma is a first year student
at the University of Adelaide. Her research interests are machine learning security and optimization with focus on tiny machine learning which are optimized to run on very low-power and small footprint Internet of Things (IoTs) devices.
- Tags: Cyber Security | Machine learning

Hui Hui Gong | University of Sydney
- Huihui is a PhD candidate at Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, the University of Sydney, under the supervision of Dr. Chang Xu and Dr. Siqi Ma (CSIRO’s Data61). His main research areas are machine learning and adversarial examples. Specifically, he is working at how to improve the performance and robustness of deep neural networks.
- Publications: Google scholar
- Tags: Machine Learning | Adversarial Examples

Ivo Murdoch | UQ
- Ivo is a PhD student at the University of Queensland in UQ Cyber Security. His research centres on improving neural network interpretability for use in human centric cyber security applications and defence against adversarial attacks. His primary interests include machine learning, networking, cyber security, and adversarial attacks. Prior to beginning his PhD in 2021, Ivo completed his Bachelor of Software Engineering at UQ in 2020, where his honours thesis focused on the automated detection and classification of illicit content on the dark web.
- Tags: Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Human Centric Cyber Security | Neural Network Interpretability

Jiamin Chang | University of New South Wales
- I am an honour year student from the University of New South Wales, majoring in Computer Science. I have some experience related to Computer Vision, Natural language Processing, and machine learning. My area of expertise is in the field of security in Artificial Intelligence (AI) this summer vacation project and would like to put my efforts into preventing damage current AI might cause in daily life. This experience in CSIRO helps me build a more holistic view of research and dig into cutting-edge knowledge of the area. These improvements will allow me to get better performance in future research and study.
- Tags: AI Security and Privacy
- Highlight: I am honored to join Data61 as a vacation student and will do my best to contribute to this field with innovation.

Jishan E. Giti | Monash University
- Jishan received her Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh respectively in 2011 and 2014. She is currently a PhD student in the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia. Her research interests include wireless communication and physical layer security.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Physical Layer Security | Wireless Communication | Wireless Jamming

Jihyeon Ryu | Sungkyunkwan University
- Jihyeon Ryu received the B.S. degrees in Mathematics and Computer science from the Sungkyunkwan University in 2018. She is currently working at the Information Security Group (ISG) towards a Master’s and Doctorate Integrated Course at Sungkyunkwan University.
- Publications: Google scholar |SciProfile
- Tags: Cyber Security | Machine Learning | User authentication
- Highlight: I want to help many people around the world through research.

Julie Duan | UNSW
- Julie is an honours thesis student at UNSW and the Cybersecurity CRC, working on applications of SOLID, the new data-sharing architecture for the web proposed by Tim Berners-Lee. Her interests are in web technologies, distributed systems, security, and privacy.

Junyaup Kim | Sungkyunkwan University
- Junyaup is a master’s Postgraduate Student at CSIRO’s Data61. His research interests lie in media forensics, speech recognition, audio engineering and distributed systems. He received the Next Generation Leader award by Korea Professional Engineer Association (2019) and the highest prize by National Research Foundation of Korea by developing Wafer edge inspection system in X-corps festival (2019).
- Tags: Media forensics | Speech recognition | Audio engineering | Distributed Systems | Software Engineering
- Highlight: I love to talk about software engineering and deep learning subject papers. I’m always trying to show anything by my hand because I’m a researcher but also a developer.

Junyang Qiu | Deakin University
- Junyang received his Bachelor and Master of Science degrees from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. He is currently a PhD student with CSIRO’s Data61. Junyang is working on Android malware analysis and AI-related cybersecurity. His other research interests include deep neural networks and applied machine learning. Android mobile devices are becoming increasingly popular in people’s daily life, with approximately 74.45% of the global mobile market share in January 2019. The huge market share of Android mobile devices has contributed to the boom of Android malware, and Android malware has caused serious security and privacy risks to the end mobile users. Thus it is urgent to design effective and efficient automatic methods to detect Android malware.
- Publications: ORCID
- Tags: Cybersecurity | Android Malware Detection | Machine Learning | Static Analysis

Keelan Evans | Edith Cowan University
- Keelan is an Honours student at Edith Cowan University and collaborating with Data61. Currently, he is working on using machine learning techniques to detect spear phishing attacks. His research interests involve using artificial intelligence for security.
- Publications:
- Tags: Machine Learning | Phishing | Cyber Security
Highlight: I am excited to be a part of Data61 and be able to research cutting-edge AI technologies.

Kim Minki | Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
- Kim is a student currently working on a comparison of federated learning and split learning on Raspberry Pi. As part of his research interest in web programming, he developed websites for the College of Software in SKKU. He also developed the indoor localisation algorithm with nTels as part of the Industry-Academy Cooperation Project, aligning with his interest in IoT. Kim did an internship at Data61 in 2019.
- Tags: Deep Learning| Security | IoT

Kyuyeon Kim | Sungkyunkwan University
- Kyuyeon is a senior student at the College of Software in Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea. His current research interests include split learning and privacy in deep learning. He is currently working on showing the performance of split learning in sequential data, using 1D convolutional neural network. Kyuyeon did an internship at Data61 in 2019.
- Tags: Split Learning | 1d-cnn

Le Quoc Huy | University of Wollongong
- Le is a PhD student at the University of Wollongong (UOW), sponsored by a CSIRO’s Data61 scholarship. In 2011, he received his Master Degree in Mathematics from Ho Chi Minh City University of Science, Vietnam, after a bachelor at the same university. From 2007 to 2016, he worked as a mathematics teacher in high school. Le also spent time as a research student in Japan. His current research interests include post-quantum cryptography, focusing especially on lattice-based cryptography.
- Publications: Google scholar
- Tags: Post-quantum Cryptography | Lattice-based Cryptography
- Highlight: I am very grateful to CSIRO’s Data61 and respectable professors at both CSIRO’s Data61 and University of Wollongong for giving me a wonderful chance to work with them, helping me to push my passion and my research up.

Lee Dong Won | Sungkyunkwan University
- Lee Dong Won is an undergraduate student of SKKU in mathematics and computer science. He is currently doing an internship at CSIRO. His research interests include graph theory, number theory and cryptography. He is analysing OTP protocol, used for connecting several IoT devices and mobile phone applications, and trying to extract random number generators of each OTP protocol in apps to figure out if these OTP protocols are secure enough. He is also working on a graph structure of networks that could better preserve privacy. Le Dong did an internship at Data61 in 2019.
- Tags: Graph Theory | Security | Cryptography

Lu Yang | QUT
- Lu Yang is a PhD Candidate and a Sessional Teaching Staff in the Queensland University of Technology. He is a Domestic Full-Time Australian Government RTP Scholarship holder and a CSIRO Data61 Student Scholarship holder. In 2016, he received a Bachelor of Electronic and Communication System Engineering from the Australian National University. In 2018, he received a Master of Networking and Communication Engineering from the Queensland University of Technology. In the last year of the Bachelor of Engineering study, he worked in the Optical Biofluidics Imaging Group in the Australian National University. In the Master of Engineering study, he worked in the Inorganic Nanomaterials Lab in the Queensland University of Technology. He specializes in signal processing methods and electronic system design. In the PhD study, his main areas of research interests include Internet of Things, Physical Layer Security, and Communication Theory.
- Publications: ORCID
- Tags: IoT | Physical Layer Security | Communication Theory

Maisie Badami | UNSW
- Maisie is a PhD student from UNSW, researching automation techniques to support conducting empirical studies (such as systematic reviews) across different research disciplines. Maisie’s research is focused on adopting machine learning (especially NLP) and crowdsourcing methods to mitigate significant challenges that researchers are facing when conducting these types of studies and dealing with the huge amount of unstructured data.
- Tags: Insight Analysis | Big data analysis | Crowdsourcing | Empirical studies | Design Thinking

M.A.P. Chamikara Mahawaga Arachchige | RMIT University
- Chamikara is a PhD researcher in computer science and software engineering at the School of Science, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, and a researcher at CSIRO’s Data61. Chamikara also works as a lecturer at the Department of Statistics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. He received his Bachelor of Science (special) in Computer Science from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 2010 and his Master of Philosophy in Computer Science from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 2015. His research interests include information privacy and security, data mining, data science, artificial neural networks, and fuzzy logic.
- Publications: ORCID |Google Scholar |ResearchGate |ResearchID
- Tags: Information Privacy and Security | Data Science
- Highlight: I am delighted to be a part of Data61. It is full of enthusiastic scientists who make Data61 one of the best research institutes in the world.

Michael Longland | University of New South Wales
- Michael is an MPhil candidate at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). His main research areas lie in graph neural networks and developing deep generative models, for applications in cyber security. Michael completed his Bachelors at the Australian National University (ANU) and has four years experience in analytics and machine learning engineering.
- Tags: Cyber Security | Machine Learning

Lihong Tang | Swinburne University of Technology
- Lihong received her Bachelor degree with Honours from Deakin University, Australia. She is currently a PhD student with CSIRO’s Data61. She is working on Android malware detection and evolution analysis. Her research interests include Android malware analysis, adversarial attacks under the Android context, human-centric research, and explainable machine learning. Understanding the evolution of Android malware facilitates the development of defending techniques by proactively capturing the features of Android malware. This work is aimed at supporting comprehensive modelling on malware’s evolution and providing a detailed explanation of the reason why Android malware evolved in those ways.
- Publications: ORCID
- Tags: Android Malware | System Security

Mariya Shmalko | UNSW
- Mariya is a final year student pursuing a Bachelor of Software Engineering at UNSW. Currently, she is collaborating with Data61 on her research thesis which involves orchestrating phishing detection algorithms to triage phishing emails. Her interests lie in problem solving in relation to software engineering and team collaboration.
- Tags: Software Engineering

Mark Carman | UniSA
Mark is a PhD student at the University of South Australia. His research focus on further understanding Fake News and other deceptive online content on social media, and how it can be detected and prevented. In particular, he’s interested in examining trends and propagation of deceptive content and its spread on the right wing and populist areas of the social media website, Reddit.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Machine Learning | Big Data | Data Science | Social Media | Fake News

Mohammad Sadegh Aslanpour | Monash University
- Mohammad is a PhD student at Monash University, sponsored by a CSIRO’s Data61 scholarship. Formerly, he developed essential skills to be prepared for commencing a PhD by working around 8 years in industry, 3 years in academia and disseminating research findings in leading venues, simultaneously. Mohammad is currently pursuing his PhD at the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University, under the supervision of Dr. Adel Nadjaran Toosi and Dr. Raj Gaire. Motivated by his passionate for expanding existing knowledge of distributed systems, his research is intended to extend the elasticity of cloud computing to the edge of the network to improve the performance of IoT/Smart applications and Microservices. Previously, he developed elasticity-related optimizations in cloud, but the emergence of Edge/Fog Computing and 5G networks made him enthusiastic about bringing the elasticity benefits to the edge to improve the Quality of Service (QoS) from both service providers and end-users’ perspective.
- Publications: Google Scholar; Publons; Research Gate; LinkedIn; ORCID
- Tags: Distributed Systems | Cloud Computing | Edge/Fog Computing | Serverless Computing | Autonomic Computing
- Highlight: Reaching realistic solutions for challenging real-life problems in IT domain is what I am eager for. To be fulfilled, I am always looking for a chance to collaborate with not only CSIRO’s Data61 and Monash University researchers, but also other talented, experienced and like-minded researchers in the distributed systems community around the world. Working with people smarter than I always helps me to learn and make encouraging progress.

Mohammad Reza Nosouhi | University of Technology Sydney
- Mohammad is currently pursuing a PhD degree with the School of Computer Science, University of Technology Sydney. His research interests include data security and privacy, machine learning, and blockchain systems. He also teaches IT subjects at Deakin College.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Privacy | Anonymity | Location Verification | Machine Learning | Blockchain

Nan Sun | Deakin
- Nan Sun received the bachelor’s degree (Hons.) in information technology from Deakin University, Geelong, VIC, Australia, in 2016, where she is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree. Her current research interests include cybersecurity and social network security.
- Publications: ORCID
- Tags: Data-driven cybersecurity incident prediction | Cybersecurity | Network Security

Muhammad Nauman Khan | RMIT University Melbourne
- Nauman is a PhD research student at the School of Science, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, and a researcher at CSIRO’s Data61. He is working on lightweight cryptographic protocols for the Internet of Things, looking at communication security and cryptographic schemes to maintain the confidentiality of data at smart nodes as well as during communication between smart devices or with the cloud platform. He worked on an SNMP based cybersecurity monitoring system during his Masters. He also worked on MPI programming to optimize the Galois/Counter Mode (GCM). His research interests include network security, Internet of Things security, digital forensics and cryptography.
- Publications: Orcid , Google Scholar , LinkedIn
- Tags: IoT | Security | Lightweight Cryptography | Network Security | Digital Forensics

Nicholas Akinyokun | The University of Melbourne
- Nicholas is a third-year PhD student working in the field of electronic voting. His research interests include secure voter authentication and participation privacy.
- Publications: DBLP
- Tags: Electronic Voting | Voter Authentication | Poll-site Voting

Ruoxi Sun | University of Adelaide
- Ruoxi Sun is a PhD candidate of School of Computer Science at the University of Adelaide. His research focuses on the privacy and security of the Android platform, including the first comprehensive study on Android contact tracing applications and a black-box syntax inference approach to fuzzing IoT firmware and Android companion applications, which has resulted in several security vulnerabilities disclosures to vendors with resulting positive feedback as well as the removal of offending apps from the Google Play Store.
- Publications: ORCID 0000-0001-5404-8550 | Google scholar https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=Ei4jdwQAAAAJ
- Tags: Cybersecurity | Mobile Privacy | Machine Learning Security
- Highlight: Identifying a problem is often harder than solving it.

Sara Jafarbeiki | Monash University
- Sara is currently a PhD student in the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia. She received her Bachelor and Master degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the Sharif University of Technology in 2011 and 2013 respectively. Saras research interests include deep neural networks, physical-layer network coding and applications of lattices in wireless communication.
- Tags: Deep Learning | Wireless Communication | Coding Techniques | Lattices

Shangqi Lai | Monash University
- Shangqi is a third year PhD student at Monash University. His research mainly focuses on data privacy in cloud environment.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Data Privacy | Secure Computation | Cloud Security

Soolin Kim | Sungkyunkwan University
- Soolin is a graduate student in the Department of Software, College of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, supervised by Prof. Hyoungshick Kim.
- Her main research focus is on mobile security and usable security.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Usable security | Mobile Security | Software engineering
- Highlight: Done is better than perfect!

Sophie Do | UniSA
- Vacation scholar
- Sophie Do is a student at the University of South Australia. She is pursuing a degree in Information Technology and Data Analytics with an interest in data mining and statistical analysis. Currently, she is working on investigating visualisation techniques for different algorithms applied to cyber security data.
- Tags: Cyber Security | Data Visualisation

Qin Wang | Swinburne University of Technology
- Qin is a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology. He achieved his Master degree at Beihang University, Beijing China. His research interests are blockchain and cryptography.
- Publications: ORCID |Google Scholar
- Tags: Blockchain | Cryptography

Rizka Purwanto | UNSW
- Rizka Purwanto is currently a PhD student at the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and an awardee of the UNSW University International Postgraduate Award (UIPA). Her research interests mainly include cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. Her current research project focuses on developing a robust phishing detection system and making the Web more secure using various deep learning or machine learning methods.
- Publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=mJw7w4AAAAAJ&hl=en
- Tags: Machine Learning | Information theory | Phishing detection | Website classification
Highlight: Phishing attacks are one of the most persistent security challenges for individuals and companies. I am keen on addressing the challenge because phishing attacks are very common and affect many people in our daily lives. I hope that my work could contribute to making the Internet a safer place.

Roelien Christien Timmer | University of New South Wales
- Roelien is a Cyber Security PhD candidate based in Sydney. Her research focuses on quantifying and optimising the performance of Cyber Deceptions. Her research will utilise modern techniques such as natural language processing and simulation testing to determine methods to compare Cyber Deceptions such as honey files. Previously, Roelien worked as a Research Analyst at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt. She holds a Master in Econometrics from the University of Amsterdam.
- Tags: Semantic Vector Space | Decoy Documents | Cyber Deception | Characteristic Metrics | Cyber Security | Honey files | Natural Language Processing | Data Science
Highlight: I am thrilled to combine my love for coding and statistics to thwart espionage.

Rongjunchen Zhang | Swinburne University of Technology
- Rongjunchen is a junior PhD student at CSIRO’s Data61. Rongjunchen Zhang received his Bachelor of Science degree in Software Engineering from both Southwest University, China and Deakin University, Australia in 2018. In the same year, he received a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree with first-class honours from Swinburne University of Technology. He began his PhD candidature in April 2019 at Swinburne University of Technology. His main research interests are natural language processing, reinforcement learning, and security of chatbot.
- Tags: Software Engineering | Machine Learning | Reinforcement Learning

Runchao Han | Monash University
- Runchao is a first-year PhD student at Cybersecurity Lab, Monash University, under the supervision of Jiangshan Yu, Joseph Liu and Shiping Chen (from CSIRO’s Data61). His research focuses on all aspects of blockchain, particularly the scalability and the privacy of permissionless blockchains.
- Publications: dblp
- Tags: Blockchain | Distributed Computing | Applied Cryptography

Peter Uchenna Eze | The University of Melbourne
- Peter is currently a PhD student in the area of medical image security and bioinformatics at the Computing and Information Systems Department at the University of Melbourne. Peter is passionate about agile software processes and development of security application in telemedicine. He has worked in different software projects in the industry ranging from health information systems, biometric check-in systems, educational management software and booking systems. He currently mentors Master of Software Engineering students on agile processes in software engineering. His research is intended to find alternative means of securing medical image scans and associated patient data when such combinations are to be transmitted via a noise network that is prone to both malicious and unintentional attacks.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Steganography | Software Process Optimisation | Java | Agile Development | Machine Learning
- Highlight: The diversity in the technology, expertise and culture experience at Data61 is significantly motivational as it enables me expand my thoughts in interdisciplinary research. As computing is more of applied science, I am inspired to become more creative and design solutions to complex problems via simple ideas from diverse areas.

Ryou Ho Joon | Sungkyunkwan University
- Ryou is an undergraduate student of SKKU in computer science. He is currently doing an internship at CSIRO co-working on the project MEDUSA (MalwarE Detection Using Statistical Analysis of System Normal Behaviour). His research interests include algorithms and security. Ryou did an internship at Data61 in 2019.
- Tags: Algorithms | Security

Samudra Herath | University of Adelaide
Samudra is currently a PhD student in mathematics and computer science at the University of Adelaide. She is interested in developing entity resolution (ER) methods to handle big data. Accurate and efficient ER has been a problem in data analysis and data mining projects for decades. ER is an important, required step in data integration when identifying a group of entities (records) representing the same real-world entity in multiple databases. With the advent of big data computations, the demand for scalable ER techniques has increased and she is looking at new challenges big data brings in to the context of ER.
Tags: Entity resolution | Data integration | Data linkage | Data analysis
Highlights: The most exciting thing in doing research is to have the flexibility of pursuing new ideas at the same time as contributing to knowledge. As my advisors always say PhD is a rollercoaster. I have good days and bad days but the journey goes on and I am passionate.

Seonhye Park | Sungkyunkwan University
- Seonhye is Computer Science and Engineering master student at Sungkyunkwan University. Seonhye received the Bachlor of Mathematics and Computer Science from Sungkyunkwan University. Her research interests are machine learning security and malware detection on IoT devices. She is currently researching “Dataset independent Generic IP Watermark for DNN”
- Tags: Machine Learning | Cyber Security

Tae-Eun Kim | Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
- Tae-Eun is an undergraduate student in computer engineering currently doing an internship at CSIRO’s Data61. She is working on the collection of data and implementing statistical analysis models in the MEDUSA (MalwarE Detection Using Statistical Analysis of System Normal Behaviour) project. Tae-Eun did an internship at Data61 in 2019.
- Tags: Computer Vision | HCI | Graphics

Sami Alkhatib | The University of Melbourne
- Sami is a PhD student in the Department of Computing and Information Systems at Melbourne University. Sami is interested in studying users privacy in emerging technology applications in the health industry, such as Internet of Things, machine learning and AI. He is also a candidate of the Australasian College of Health Informatics (ACHI) Fellowship by Training Program (FbT) for health informatics research doctorate students. Sami has a career of 15 years and has held various positions in the field of IT and telecommunication value-added services.
- Publications: ORCID |Researchgate |Google Scholar
- Tags: Privacy | Internet of Things | Health Informatics | Emerging Technologies

Sunil Samant | Swinburne University of Technology
- Sunil is a proficient software engineer with more than three years of industry experience in software development. In his PhD, he is leveraging his experience to design and build an adaptive resource management framework for cloud hosted IoT data pipelines. Sunil aims to pursue a career as a software research engineer focusing on designing and building high performance software tools and frameworks for distributed systems. He proposes a novel resource allocation model for finding the QoS assured and cost-effective cloud resource for IoT data pipelines. It captures the end-to-end QoS requirements of the pipeline while reducing the total cost of ownership and achieves the state-of-the-art performance in terms of the cost-effectiveness and quality requirements. Sunil also proposes a novel resource management framework for an adaptive management of cloud resources utilising the autonomic computing paradigm and optimisation technique for cloud hosted IoT data pipelines. The framework defines and captures the notion of sustainable QoS, including the IoT data ingestion benchmarks during the adaptive resource management process. In addition, the framework considers the challenges in IoT data analytics such as data volume, velocity, and latency requirement.
- Publications: Google Scholar |researchgate
- Tags: Autonomic Computing | Optimisation | Cloud Computing | Big Data Pipeline | IoT

Thirasara Devanmini A Beruwawela Pathiranage

Tom Roth | University of Technology, Sydney
- Tom is currently a machine learning researcher with a current focus on adversarial machine learning in natural language processing. In a previous life, Tom worked as a data scientist building systems for Telstra, Caltex and Woolworths. He enjoys solving problems, building things, mathematics, writing, and long walks on the beach. You can learn more about Tom at tomroth.com.au
- Publications: none yet! (but hopefully soon)
- Tags: Adversarial Machine Learning | Robustness | Reinforcement Learning | Natural Language Processing
- Highlight: I like breaking a problem down to the fundamentals and making solutions as simple as possible.

Veronika Stephanie | RMIT University
Vacation Scolar 2020
Veronika is a vacation student on CSIRO Data61. She received a Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) degree with first-class honours from RMIT university in 2020. In the same year, she also received her Bachelor of Information technology from Bina Nusantara University. Her research interests focus on users’ privacy preservation in unsupervised recommendation applications in mobile edge computing and the cloud.
Tags: Machine Learning | Differential Privacy | Mobile Edge Computing | Cloud Computing | Distributed System |

Viet Vo | Monash University
- Viet Vo is a final-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Software and CyberSecurity, Monash University.
His research interests are in the area of applied cryptography and data privacy, cloud security, and network security. Viet’s aim is to enhance the efficiency and security/privacy of real-world systems. - Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Applied cryptography and Data Privacy | Cloud security | Network security

Xiaogang Zhu | Swinburn University of Technology
- Xiaogang is a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology. He got his Masters degree at Xian Jiaotong University. His expertise is in detecting vulnerabilities utilising fuzzing. Fuzzing is a popular technique utilised for finding software bugs. Famous fuzzing tools such AFL and OSS-FUZZ have found thousands of bugs in real world applications. His other research interests are system security and IoT security.
- Publications: Google Scholar
- Tags: Fuzzing | System Security | IoT

Xu Yang | RMIT University
- Xu’s research interests include secure authentication in Internet of Things (IoT), IoT security and applied cryptography.
- Publications: ORCID id |Google Scholar
- Tags: IoT | Cryptography | Authentication | Privacy | Security
- Highlight: I get excited by doing research that I think can significantly improve our daily life.

Wentao Dong

William Kosasih | University of Adelaide
- Vacation Scholar
- William is an undergraduate student at the University of Adelaide, studying a Bachelor of Computer Science and Mathematics. He is a Data61 summer vacation student in 2020. His interests include computer systems, architecture, and security and at home he enjoys writing retro game system emulators and mobile apps.

Yanjun Olivia Shen | Monash University
- Olivia Shen is a first year PhD student at the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University with research interests in searchable encryption, encrypted database, and privacy preserving crowdsourced data analytics in the broad Cyber Security subject domain.
- Tags: Metadata Privacy | Searchable Encryption | Encrypted Database | Crowdsourcing | IoT

Yannan Li | University of Wollongong
- Yannan’s research interests include secure cloud storage and blockchain-based applications as she is aiming to address the privacy and security issues in blockchain with the cryptographic tools and find new blockchain-based applications.
- Tags: Blockchain | Smart Contract | Solidity | Cloud Storage | Data Auditing
- Highlight: Blockchain is a revolutionary topic that is fully decentralised. I enjoy working on such an emerging and challenging topic as my research interest. I like cryptography, which is mysterious and magical. Solving problems with crypto tools makes me happy and fulfilled. Talking to people about my research helps me a lot. I like to discuss my research topic with not only my supervisors but also my classmates and colleges, who will always inspire me a lot.

Yeonjae (Jane) Kim | Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
- Jane is an undergraduate student at the College of Software at Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea. She is expected to graduate in February 2020. Her current research interests are deep learning, natural language processing, and AI security. She is working with CSIRO’s Data61 to detect a backdoor attack in neural networks. Jane did an internship at Data61 in 2019.
- Tags: Deep Learning | Natural Language Processing | AI Security

Zian Liu | Swinburne University
- Zian Liu is a first year PhD. student. His research focuses on Malware analysis in Cyber Security.
- Tags: Malware Analysis | Cyber Security

Zhi Zhang | University of New South Wales
- Zhi is a PhD student in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales. His research interests are in the areas of system security and virtualisation, including rowhammer attacks and defences. He focuses on building a trustworthy system. Commodity OS kernels have broad attack surfaces due to a large code base and numerous features such as device drivers, making it necessary to reduce the attack surface as much as possible. Zhi received his Bachelor degree from Sichuan University, China in 2011 and his Masters degree from Peking University, China in 2014.
- Publications: ORCID |Google Scholar
- Tags: System Security | Virtualisation Security | Rowhammer
- Highlight: OS kernel is the most privileged software component in bare-metal systems; how to enhance its security is always an interesting and important topic. If the kernel is compromised, then the whole system will be under control of the adversary. In that case, all the sensitive data that concerns users like cryptographic keys and credentials are no longer secure and cannot be trusted. Thus, it is pretty crucial to do research on the system security.

Zichan Ruan | Deakin
- Zichan is an HDR scholarship holder at CSIRO’s Data61. She received her Honors and Bachelor degree in Information Technology at Deakin University. Motivated by her passion for Cybersecurity and programming, she involved in different projects ranging from visualization for Cybersecurity to anomaly detection using graph embedding. Her current research interests are intelligent anomaly detection and Software Defined-Network security. Her main techniques are machine learning algorithms and graph embedding algorithms.
- Tags: Anomaly detection | Machine Learning | Graph Embedding | Graph Neural Network
- Highlight: Step out of your comfort zone.