Massive static and real-time datasets for cyber security research and digital competitiveness

Partner: University of Queensland

Project leader: Dr Surya Nepal

CRP collaborators: Dr Marthie Grobler, Professor Ryan Ko (University of Queensland) and Dr Guangdong Bai (University of Queensland).

Duration: 2020 – 2023


The digital competitiveness of any organisation implementing artificial intelligent and Big Data analytics mostly depend on high-quality large datasets for training and forecasting.

In the cyber security research area, advanced cyber attacks and cyber threats have the power of mutating and outbreaking faster than the response of current detection models. To ensure that research on algorithms and approaches are state-of-the-art, high-quality large datasets collected from authoritative and realistic sources are highly desirable. However, most computer scientists nowadays still rely on out-of-date, unbalanced or incomplete datasets.

In this project, we will explore the creation of massive cyber security datasets and their innovative and digital-competitiveness use.