IoT Code of Practice – Standards Compliance Rating

September 15th, 2020

Title: IoT Code of Practice – Standards Compliance Rating

Partners: Data61

Project leader: Seyit Camtepe

Duration: 1 Month

There are a broad set of standards and guidelines published by national and international organizations which may bring baseline security to IoT systems if correctly executed. This project aims to document ways for players of the IoT ecosystem rate the security of IoT devices and systems against this set of standards and guidelines. Hence, this project will investigate and document the most promising standards and guidelines for IoT system security, and the methods to assess and rate the given IoT systems for their compliance with those standards and guidelines.  The project will benefit from consumer research project outputs and use a multiperspective (vendors, sponsors, regulators and users) approach for compliance at the pre-market (development and test) and post-market (deployment and management) environments.