Certain ID

CertainID is a funded by CSIRO Kick-Start, a new initiative for innovative Australian start-ups and small SMEs, providing funding support and access to CSIRO’s research expertise and capabilities to help grow and develop their business. CSIRO Data61 and an industry SME collaborate to develop an innovative method for secure use of biometric features for signing electronic transactions.

Biometrics constitute an essential factor in multifactor authentications. The existing biometric solutions store and communicate biometric templates, a digital representation of unique biological features such as fingerprints, palm, palm veins, hand geometry, face, iris, retina, DNA and odour, and behavioural characteristics such as typing, gaits and voice. The fundamental problem with these biometric templates is that their compromise causes permanent harm. The stolen biometric template can be used to claim the identity of the victim continually. These challenges make biometrics-based security solutions (e.g., authentication, confidentiality and digital signature) risky for both users from whom these features are extracted and organizations which extract, use and store these features.

The CertainID project fills a significant gap by providing a safe method for biometrics-based security solutions.

The CertainID solution is to use biometric information to lock and unlock revokable security keys and use these keys to secure transactions. CertainID helps remove the security key management burden and associated risks both from individuals and organizations. CertainID ensures that individuals’ mass biometric data is not lost/compromised, and no sensitive information associated with individuals can be hacked off the device if the device storing CertainID data is lost or compromised.

For more information on Kollakorn’s Certain-ID product:

