About Us
Core Team

Dr Peter King
(Manufacturing, Clayton)
Senior Research Scientist
Inventor, scientist and engineer with 17+ years of experience developing new methods to protect and repair components from corrosion and wear.
Backend algorithm development, project planning and customer engagement
Dr Alejandro Vargas Uscategui
(Manufacturing, Clayton)
Senior Research Scientist
Entrepreneur-turned materials scientist with 12+ years of experience using research and development to solve complex industrial problems.
Testing and development of robotic AM process and customer engagement
Hans Lohr
(Manufacturing, Clayton)
Research Engineer
Scientist with 6+ years of experience developing innovative robotics and additive manufacturing solutions. Has been playing with robots since the age of five.
Backend algorithm development, 3D geometry, socket messaging API and customer engagement
Software Development Team
Clement Chu (Manufacturing, Clayton)
Andrew Razjigaev (Manufacturing, Clayton)
Changming Sun (Data61, Marsfield)
Lars Andersson (Data61, Black Mountain)
Andrew Urban (Manufacturing, Clayton)
Robert Dark (B&IS, Clayton)
Steve Hogan (Manufacturing, Clayton)