CMR Specify
The CMR Specify is a sample management system built on the open-source Specify Collection Management Platform (v7.9.2). It is designed to manage and organize physical samples collected by the Research Unit, primarily focusing on those from mineral exploration projects. Figure 1 illustrates the main functions offered by the system.
In the system, we organize the samples by their type; see collections below:
- Rock and Mineral Samples
- Soil Samples
- Vegetation Samples
- Water Samples
- Mineral Spectra Reference Samples
To access the sample collections, please get in touch with us.
Note: The sample system catalogues only sample metadata. It does not include data/measurements collected from samples. Datasets collected from samples are stored elsewhere, e.g. in the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP) or the XT Data Portal. We plan to link the dataset with its source (samples) through the unique identifiers the sample system generates.

Figure 1. Main Interface of CMR Specify
The following are examples of samples that have been curated through the system:
- Moolart Well soil samples
- MRIWA 557 rock samples
- Samples migrated from legacy application (
- Mineral spectra reference samples
- Microanalysis samples from various CMR Discovery mineral exploration projects
- Steve Barnes rock collections (Ni-related projects)