Human-AI Collaboration to identify literature for evidence synthesis

July 8th, 2024

Paper…. “Human-AI Collaboration to Identify Literature for Evidence Synthesis” has been accepted for publication by the Cell Reports Sustainability Journal.

By Scott Spillias, Paris, Tuohy, Matthew Andreotta, Ruby Annand-Jones, Fabio Boschetti, Christopher Cvitanovic, Joseph Duggan, Elisabeth Fulton, Denis Karcher, Cécile Paris, Rebecca Shellock and Rowan Trebilco

 In brief: Exploring AI’s potential in systematic reviews, this study reveals that ChatGPT’s proficiency in evidence synthesis, closely aligning with human accuracy. It demonstrates how AI can expedite the review process, suggesting a future where AI-Human collaboration is integral to rigorous, time-efficient research, paving the way for more informed societal decision-making.

Stay tuned for its publication.