“Empowering People in Human-Robot Collaboration”: an OzCHI’23 workshop

March 20th, 2024

2 Dec 2023

Consecutively for the second year, Hashini Senaratne, Cecile Paris, Yanran Jiang, Claire Mason, Melanie McGrath, Andreas Duenser and David Howard from the CINTEL group, along with researchers from QUT Cobotics Center (Stine Johansen, Alan Burden, Glenda Caldwell, Jared Donovan, Matthias Guertler, Markus Rittenbruch and Jonathan Roberts) organised a workshop at the OzCHI 2023 conference on “Empowering People in Human-Robot Collaboration“. Taking a further step from last year’s workshop theme (Empowering People in Human-Robot Collaboration: Bringing Together and Synthesising Perspectives), this year’s workshop focused on “Empowering People in Human-Robot Collaboration Why, How, When, and for Whom”

During the workshop, we had insightful discussions with 17+ attendees across multiple activities:
– inspirational panel (Cécile Paris, Glenda Caldwell, Jared Donovan, and Hashini Senaratne as panellists, and Markus Rittenbruch as the moderator) answering Why, How, When, and for Whom aspects of HRC,
– panel discussion with 2 external experts (Christoph Bartneck and Mahla Nejati as panellists, and Markus Rittenbruch as the moderator) on barriers and pathways to HRC
– presentations of 4 papers, and introductions from other attendees
– Roadmapping activity and an ice-breaking activity

Read the position papers published at the workshop on workshop website.
Read a summary of topics discussed during this workshop: Reflections from OzCHI HRC 2023 workshop