July 8th, 2024

The Collaborative Intelligence FSP had a very large presence at the successful Computational Trends and Digital Science (CTDiS) event held this year in May 2024. 

This event provided the opportunity to: 

  • Meet face-to-face and establish new connections.
  • Learn and share cutting-edge computational and analytic techniques. 
  • Find digital solutions to science problems. 
  • Discover the ‘art of the possible’ when applying digital and data skills and technology to our science.
  • Participate in workshops, exhibitions and share innovative ideas and expertise.

The CINTEL FSP delivered multiple sessions including:

Understanding the effective use of Generative AI including:  

  • Who is using it and how are they using it? Refer – claire.mason@csiro.au
  • Developing AI literacy and Metacognition interventions to promote effective use of Generative AI tools. Refer sidra.sidra@csiro.au
  • Learning from experts: What skills, knowledge, mindsets and aptitudes are important to use Generative AI tools well? Refer einat.grimberg@csiro.au and claire.mason@csiro.au

And also:

Psy AI Studio – An online platform for measuring human decisions in human-AI collaboration. Refer patrick.cooper@csiro.au

Knowledge elicitation to guide AI design. Refer jessica.irons@csiro.au

Trust sensitive design for human-AI interaction. Refer melanie.mcgrath@csiro.au

A big congratulations to Shahroz Tariq who was a Poster winner and also well done to Fatemeh Jalalvand for her entry. If you’d like to discuss these posters further you can connect directly with shahroz.tarq@csiro.au or fatemeh.jalalvand@csiro.au.