LMSN/INFORMD (TAS, 2008-2011) + INFORMD2 (2012-2017)


Linking Models from Sensor Networks (LMSN) was funded from WfO (https://coastalresearch.csiro.au/?q=node/230) Theme4, with INFORMD being the overarching vision to deliver models, information, spatial planning for multiple uses. INFORMD2 is a FRDC Project (# 2012/24). The LMSN/INFORMD project commenced in July 2008, and INFORMD2 was commissioned in 2012.

This project is strategic in nature and is designed to address improved delivery of modelling products for management of the coastal marine environment. South-East Tasmania was chosen for the test site of this project, due to both the existence of numerous modelling products and knowledge of the system, and stakeholder desire for the system characterisation that modelling can deliver. Management of water quality throughout the region by local councils and state regulators, combined with management of growing aquaculture industry provides the motivation for providing accessible modelling tools for management.

The historical approach to modelling based management is to nominate a particular period for which models are developed, and scenarios are then provided to assess management options. The problem with this approach is that as time passes the nominated period becomes less relevant, due to a combination of changing environmental conditions, improved models or improved model forcing. It is often difficult to resurrect a model if it has been idle for some time. In this project, a new approach is considered whereby a near real-time model is implemented operationally in an automated sense to provide an indefinite archive of the ocean state that is always up-to-date. This archive can then be accessed for analysis or re-running scenarios including biogeochemistry and sediment transport. These scenarios may be run using either a fully coupled hydrodynamic model, or for longer scenarios, coupling to a transport model may be more appropriate.