BGC Hindcast GBR5

Hind-cast GBR5 biogeochemical model preliminary results

This page shows preliminary 3D biogeochemical simulations and cross sections developed as part of the eReefs marine modelling component using a 5km grid.

DISCLAIMER: These products are under development and are for demonstration purposes only. CSIRO  accepts no responsibility for any subsequent use of the modelling results provided.

Link to horizontal cross sections of 3D chlorophyll and DIN simulations.

Link to horizontal cross sections of 3D chlorophyll and DIN simulations showing vertical dimension.

Link to horizontal cross section of 3D chlorophyll simulation at the surface.

Link to horizontal cross sections of 3D productivity and grazing simulation.

Link to horizontal cross sections of 3D productivity and grazing simulations showing vertical dimension.

Link to horizontal cross sections of 3D productivity and grazing simulations.

Link to horizontal cross sections of 3D Trichodesmium and Nitrogen fixation simulations showing vertical dimension.

Link to 3D trichodesmium and Nitrogen fixation simulation at the surface.

Link to a vertical cross section across from the Fitzroy River

Link to a vertical cross section across from Palm passage

Vertical cross section showing Chlorophyll, Carbon and Carbon to Chl ratio.
Figure 1: Vertical cross section showing Chlorophyll, Carbon and Carbon to Chl ratio.