Key publications for CCAM


Below is a summary of the key publications describing the CCAM model


Dynamical core

McGregor, J. L. ‘C-CAM Geometric Aspects and Dynamical Formulation’. CSIRO Atmospheric Research Technical Paper 70 (2005).



Spectral nudging

Thatcher, Marcus, and John L McGregor. ‘Using a Scale-Selective Filter for Dynamical Downscaling with the Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model’. Monthly Weather Review 137, no. 6 (2009): 1742–52.


Gravity wave drag

Chouinard, C., M. Béland, and N. McFarlane. ‘A Simple Gravity Wave Drag Parametrization for Use in Medium‐range Weather Forecast Models’. Atmosphere-Ocean 24, no. 2 (1 June 1986): 91–110.



McGregor, John. ‘A New Convection Scheme Using a Simple Closure’. In BMRC Research Report, 93:33–36, 2003.



Cloud microphysics

Rotstayn, Leon D. ‘A Physically Based Scheme for the Treatment of Stratiform Clouds and Precipitation in Large-Scale Models. I: Description and Evaluation of the Microphysical Processes’. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 123, no. 541 (1997): 1227–82.

Lin, Yuh-Lang, Richard D. Farley, and Harold D. Orville. ‘Bulk Parameterization of the Snow Field in a Cloud Model’. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 22, no. 6 (1 June 1983): 1065–92.<1065:BPOTSF>2.0.CO;2



Freidenreich, S. M., and V. Ramaswamy. ‘A New Multiple-Band Solar Radiative Parameterization for General Circulation Models’. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104, no. D24 (1999): 31389–409.

Schwarzkopf, M. Daniel, and V. Ramaswamy. ‘Radiative Effects of CH4, N2O, Halocarbons and the Foreign-Broadened H2O Continuum: A GCM Experiment’. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104, no. D8 (1999): 9467–88.


Turbulent mixing

Hurley, Peter. ‘Modelling Mean and Turbulence Fields in the Dry Convective Boundary Layer with the Eddy-Diffusivity/Mass-Flux Approach’. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 125, no. 3 (1 December 2007): 525–36.


Vegetation (CABLE)

Kowalczyk, E.A., Y.P. Wang, R.M. Law, H.L. Davies, J.L. McGregor, and G.S. Abramowitz. ‘The CSIRO Atmosphere Biosphere Land Exchange (CABLE) Model for Use in Climate Models and as an Offline Model’. CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Paper. Aspendale, Vic.: CSIRO, 2006.



Thatcher, Marcus, and Peter Hurley. ‘Simulating Australian Urban Climate in a Mesoscale Atmospheric Numerical Model’. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 142, no. 1 (1 January 2012): 149–75.



Rotstayn, Leon D., and Ulrike Lohmann. ‘Simulation of the Tropospheric Sulfur Cycle in a Global Model with a Physically Based Cloud Scheme’. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107, no. D21 (2002): AAC 20-1-AAC 20-21.

Rotstayn, L. D., M. A. Collier, R. M. Mitchell, Y. Qin, S. K. Campbell, and S. M. Dravitzki. ‘Simulated Enhancement of ENSO-Related Rainfall Variability Due to Australian Dust’. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11, no. 13 (12 July 2011): 6575–92.



Miller, James R., Gary L. Russell, and Guilherme Caliri. ‘Continental-Scale River Flow in Climate Models’. Journal of Climate 7, no. 6 (1 June 1994): 914–28.<0914:CSRFIC>2.0.CO;2


Ocean model

Thatcher, Marcus, John McGregor, Martin Dix, and Jack Katzfey. ‘A New Approach for Coupled Regional Climate Modeling Using More than 10,000 Cores’. In Environmental Software Systems. Infrastructures, Services and Applications, edited by Ralf Denzer, Robert M. Argent, Gerald Schimak, and Jiří Hřebíček, 599–607. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.