Access to information

Looking for information online can be overwhelming, particularly when you are feeling stressed.

Below are some links to mental health and community support services, as well as a list of state and federal government coronavirus website links, which include information on restrictions.

Mental Health and Community Support Services

Australian Government Crisis Links

Beyond Blue


Kids Helpline


Australian Government Carer Gateway

National sexual assault, domestic family violence 24-hour counselling service

Financial Counselling Australia

Australian Government Translating and Interpreting Services


State Government COVID-19 websites:

Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales

Northern Territory


South Australia



Western Australia


Australian Government COVID-19 websites:

COVID-19 Health Alerts

Coronavirus (COVID-19) News and Media

Services Australia

Communities and vulnerable people – programs & services


Other resources

If you are looking for a shorter summary, you may consider visiting the ABC Coronavirus webpage, or your preferred trusted news provider.