
Browse the latest publications from the CarbonLock Future Science Platform.


Lee Chang, K. J., Gorron Gomez, E., Ebrahimie, E., Dehcheshmeh, M. M., Frampton, D. M., & Zhou, X. R. (2025). Transcriptomic Signature of Lipid Production in Australian Aurantiochytrium sp. TC20. Marine Biotechnology27(1), 43.

Malakar, Y., Brent, K., Bester, A., Gardner, J., Howard, W., & Lenton, A. (2025). Navigating stakeholder heterogeneity in carbon dioxide removal governance. Nature Reviews Clean Technology1(1), 95-105.2024


Abdellah, M. H., Kiani, A., Conway, W., Puxty, G., & Feron, P. (2024). A mass transfer study of CO2 absorption in aqueous solutions of isomeric forms of sodium alaninate for direct air capture application. Chemical Engineering Journal, 481, 148765.

Boyd, P. W., Arrigo, K. R., Ardyna, M., Halfter, S., Huckstadt, L., Kuhn, A. M., … & Thomalla, S. J. (2024). The role of biota in the Southern Ocean carbon cycle. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 1-19.

Chen, Y., Seyyedi, M., & Clennell, B. (2024). Petrophysical recipe for in-situ CO2 mineralization in basalt rocks. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 11(2).

Milani, D., McDonald, R., Fawell, P., Weldekidan, H., Puxty, G., & Feron, P. (2025). Ex-situ mineral carbonation process challenges and technology enablers: A review from Australia’s perspective. Minerals Engineering222, 109124.


Arsic, M., O’Sullivan, C. A., Wasson, A. P., Antille, D. L., & Clarke, W. P. (2023). Beyond waste-to-energy: Bioenergy can drive sustainable Australian agriculture by integrating circular economy with net zero ambitions. Detritus, (23), 28.

Boyjoo, Y., Jin, Y., Li, H., Zhao, G., Guo, H., & Liu, J. (2023). Nanoengineering of photocatalytic electrode materials toward net zero emissions. Cell Reports Physical Science, 4(5).

Chen, Y., Saeedi, A., & Xie, Q. (2023). Interfacial interactions of CO2-brine-rock system in saline aquifers for CO2 geological storage: A critical review. International Journal of Coal Geology, 274, 104272.

Fitch, P., Battaglia, M., Roxburgh, S., Steven, A., Feron, P., Gillespie, M., Birchall R., Lenton A., Seyyedi M., Fawell, P., Jenkins, C., Evans, D. (2023). Sequestration cost reduction workshops report, CSIRO. Australia’s carbon sequestration potential – CSIRO

Kev, K., Modi, N., Milani, D., Luu, M. T., Nelson, S., Manaf, N. A., … & Abbas, A. (2023). A comparative life cycle impact assessment for solar heat integration in post-combustion carbon capture. Energy Conversion and Management, 297, 117745.

Li, L., Yu, H., Zhou, S., Dao, V., Chen, M., Ji, L., & Benhelal, E. (2023). Activation and utilization of tailings as CO2 mineralization feedstock and supplementary cementitious materials: a critical review. Materials Today Sustainability, 24, 100530.

Orhan, I. B., Le, T. C., Babarao, R., & Thornton, A. W. (2023). Accelerating the prediction of CO2 capture at low partial pressures in metal-organic frameworks using new machine learning descriptors. Communications chemistry, 6(1), 214.

Pasquier, B., Holzer, M., Chamberlain, M. A., Matear, R. J., Bindoff, N. L., & Primeau, F. W. (2023). Optimal parameters for the ocean’s nutrient, carbon, and oxygen cycles compensate for circulation biases but replumb the biological pump. Biogeosciences, 20(14), 2985-3009.

Quang, D. V., Milani, D., & Zahra, M. A. (2023). A review of potential routes to zero and negative emission technologies via the integration of renewable energies with CO2 capture processes. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 124, 103862.

Rohr, T., Richardson, A. J., Lenton, A., Chamberlain, M. A., & Shadwick, E. H. (2023). Zooplankton grazing is the largest source of uncertainty for marine carbon cycling in CMIP6 models. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), 212.

Santana-Falcón, Y., Yamamoto, A., Lenton, A., Jones, C. D., Burger, F. A., John, J. G., … & Séférian, R. (2023). Irreversible loss in marine ecosystem habitability after a temperature overshoot. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), 343.


Fitch, P., Battaglia, M., Lenton, A., Feron, P., Gao, L., Mei, Y., Hortle, A., Macdonald, L., Pearce, M., Occhipinti, S., Roxburgh, S., Steven, A. (2022). Australia’s sequestration potential, CSIRO.