People in our team

Our team includes scientists, technical staff, and fellows. We are always happy to host visitors. If you are interested in similar research questions please contact us.

Research Scientists

Team Leader

  • I am a Senior Research Scientist with CSIRO Agriculture and Food in Canberra, Australia. My main research interest is in the development of novel approaches to sustainable integrated disease management, which are adoptable within a farming systems context. This encompasses research in phenotyping disease resistance, pathogen evolution and epidemiology, and novel control strategies.
Sarina Mac Fadyen

Principal Research Scientist, Pest Management

  • Dr Macfadyen joined what was then known as CSIRO Entomology as a research scientist in 2008 focusing on research relating to the spatial ecology and management of invertebrate pests and natural enemy complexes in agricultural landscapes.

Principal Research Scientist

  • I am a Senior Research Scientist with CSIRO Agriculture and Food in Canberra, Australia. My research focuses on the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of plant pathogens, their ecological and agricultural impacts, and novel means of pest control.

Research Scientist

  • I am a Research Scientist with CSIRO Agriculture and Food, and the Microbiomes for One Systems Health (MOSH) Future Science Platform. I use sequencing technologies to investigate and define the rules governing microbiome assembly in important Australian crop species.

Research Scientist

  • I am a Research Scientist with CSIRO Agriculture and Food in Canberra, Australia, specializing in developing integrated disease management strategies to control plant diseases. My work is centered around harnessing the power of advanced simulation modeling to predict epidemiological outcomes of management interventions, providing valuable insights into sustainable disease management. I am proud to be at the forefront of this exciting field, and I am passionate about making a real-world impact through my research.

Dr Abebayehu Geffersa

CERC Postdoctoral Fellow

  • I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with CSIRO Agriculture and Food in Canberra, Australia. My research focuses on quantifying the economic benefits of plant genetic resistance durability.

CERC Postdoctoral Fellow

  • I am a CERC Postdoctoral Fellow with CSIRO Agriculture and Food and the Microbiomes for One Systems Health (MOSH) Future Science Platform. My research focuses on how soil management practices influence the microbiomes found on crop residues.

Technical staff

Research Technician

Research Technician

Research Technician

Research Technician