CuBAS – Structural Geology and Sedimentology, Yeneena Basin, WA

The exploration for sediment-hosted copper is often hindered by the lack of understanding of the mineral system at play. In this project we will reconstruct the basin evolution and develop scenarios of fluid flow to aid reducing the search space for exploration.

CSIRO Mineral Resources, the Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA), and industry partners were successfully granted funding by Mineral Research Institute of Western Australia (MRIWA) to carry out the 2-year research (2023-ongoing) project to advance the understanding of sediment-hosted copper mineral systems.  

The aim of the project is to improve understanding of and targeting for copper mineralisation in the Yeneena Basin using 4D structural reconstruction, stratigraphic forward modelling, and fluid flow simulations aimed at testing different scenarios of fluid migration within strata and faults throughout the basin evolution.

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