Aus4Innovation partnership grant award addresses water pollution challenges

November 15th, 2019

Ambassador Robyn Mudie together with Vice President of Vietnam National University Pham Bao Son and representatives from both Australia and Vietnam came together to launch the “UTS Rapido Vietnam: Industry 4.0 for water systems” project – a AUD 1 million project awarded under the Aus4Innovation Partnership Grants Program.

Ambassador Robyn Mudie together with Vice President of Vietnam National University Pham Bao Son and representatives from both Australia and Vietnam
Ambassador Robyn Mudie together with Vice President of Vietnam National University Pham Bao Son and representatives from both Australia and Vietnam.

Under this initiative, the Rapido – a commercialisation model developed by University of Technology Sydney (UTS) will be introduced to Vietnam National University (VNU) and applied in rural, disadvantaged communities to address water pollution challenges. IoT and data engineering technologies for water systems will be developed to remove arsenic from water in the Red River delta provinces, and enhanced water monitoring systems will provide lobster farmers with real-time data in Phu Yen.

The project will improve quality of life and aquaculture practice in these areas, and is expected to be scaled up across Vietnam thereafter.

It is the result of a fruitful collaboration between UTS and leading Vietnamese universities, including the University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University, and Ho Chi Minh University of Technology.

#Aus4Innovation #Grant #UTS #Rapido