Innovation powerhouse for small and medium enterprises in Vietnam
A new innovation centre engagement model in Hanoi will help improve the innovation capacity of Vietnam’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs), thanks to a collaboration between Australia’s University of Queensland and Vietnam’s Institute for Science, Technology and Innovation (VISTI), with funding and support from our #Aus4Innovation program.
This July, a series of consultation workshops were organised with the centre’s potential clients and other stakeholders. The workshops helped VISTI and the University of Queensland better understand SMEs’ needs regarding innovation and technology, to better shape the vision and stakeholder engagement of the centre. Over 400 participants joined the co-created workshops, proving the value and need for an innovation centre engagement model designed for the Vietnamese SME market.
More information can be found on the official fanpage of the innovation centre at

The project team from University of Queensland visited Vietnam to meet with relevant stakeholders to learn more about the context in Vietnam and co-organised the workshops.

The workshops received representation from all parts of the innovation ecosystem, including universities, research institutes, small and medium enterprises, large Vietnamese corporations, government agencies and innovation-supporting organizations.
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