Innovation insights
Aus4Innovation aims to create sustainable impact beyond our pilot activities and partnerships. We bring together what we have learned from our activities, what we know about leverage points in the innovation system and Vietnam’s emerging policy needs for science, technology and innovation. These reports and practice notes capture our reflections, syntheses and learnings.
International insights
Insights for international innovation support programs: A conceptual framework and lessons from experience
Andy Hall and Renate Hays – December 2021
This report explores lessons from international experiences of designing and implementing innovation support programs. Specifically, the study seeks to help articulate the strategic intent and implementation logic of this type of innovation support program, calibrate impact aspirations, and suggest key design principles.
The report provides a framework for exploring lessons from innovation support practice and a synthesis of the finding of four reviews of international program experience:
- An international overview of development agencies’ support for innovation
- Vietnam’s history and experience with innovation support programs
- Australian international innovation support programs, with a focus on innovation support outside traditional official development assistance
- CSIRO’s involvement in international projects supporting innovation.
Promoting knowledge transfer and commercialisation: Strategies for knowledge transfer from universities and public sector research organisations in Vietnam
Don Scott-Kemmis – November 2022
This report is intended to provide an overview of international studies of knowledge transfer from universities and public research organisations to industry and other users. It includes case studies of the development of knowledge transfer policy and performance in four countries: the United States, Australia, China, and Taiwan. These case studies also draw on studies and the evaluations of government policies to identify the barriers that have been identified as impeding effective knowledge transfer.
Science, technology and innovation priorities
Don Scott-Kemmis, Antonio Balaguer, Ron Johnston and Anthony Arundel – January 2021
This report assesses the relevance for Vietnam of international experience of setting priorities for Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I). A complementary component assesses the relevance for Vietnam of international experience with ST&I indicators. The report has three parts:
- International frameworks for overall ST&I policy
- Key points from case studies of ST&I priority setting in nine countries
- The policy context for ST&I priority setting in Vietnam.
Science, technology and innovation (ST&I) indicators
Anthony Arundel – January 2021
This report provides a general overview of ST&I indicators and recommendations for the collection of ST&I indicators for Vietnam.
ST&I indicators measure, where relevant, the inputs, activities, outputs and outcomes of science, technology and innovation. The focus of science indicators is on the creation of new knowledge, as measured by research and development, bibliometrics, patent statistics, or the supply of scientists and engineers, while indicators for innovation focus on the commercialisation of technologies (broadly defined).