Getting Started with ACCESS Webinar

This 1.5 hour webinar (delivered in October 2020) covers the basics of the two CMIP6-era ACCESS GCMs (ACCESS-CM2 and ACCESS-ESM1.5), developed at CSIRO in collaboration with CLEX, BoM and NCI, with support from NESP and the UM Partnership Agreement.

Link to video

Link to visual content (slides)

Discussed within are the following topics:

  • Summaries of both ACCESS models and their configurations.
  • Modelling environments and compute costs at NCI.
  • Code repositories.
  • Rose/cylc suites on accessdev (used for managing & running ACCESS-CM2).
  • Locations of CMIP6-era ancillaries and input files for ACCESS-CM2.
  • The CLEX payu interface (used for managing and running ACCESS-ESM1.5).
  • Summary of CMIP6 experiments with ACCESS models
  • Where/how to access CMIP6 data (ESGF, NCI data collections, CleF tool, etc).
  • Useful links to resources.