Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal (AMOJ) 2013 Special Issue [AMOJ link]
Bi, D., Dix, M., Marsland, S., O’Farrell, S., Rashid, H., Uotila, P., Hirst, A., Kowalczyk, E., Golebiewski, M., Sullivan, A., Yan, H., Hannah, N., Franklin, C., Sun, Z., Vohralik, P., Watterson, I., Zhou, X., Fiedler, R., Collier, M., Ma, Y., Noonan, J., Stevens, L., Uhe, P., Zhu, H., Griffies, S., Hill, R., Harris, C. and Puri, K., The ACCESS coupled model: description, control climate and evaluation, Aust. Met. Oceanogr. J., 63, 41-64, 2013.[pdf]
Kowalczyk, E., Stevens, L., Law, R., Dix, M., Wang, Y., Harman, I., Haynes, K., Srbinovsky, J., Pak, B. and Ziehn, T., The land surface model component of ACCESS: description and impact on the simulated surface climatology, Aust. Met. Oceanogr. J., 63, 65-82, 2013.[pdf]
Dix, M., Vohralik, P., Bi, D., Rashid, H., Marsland, S., O’Farrell, S., Uotila, P., Hirst, T., Kowalczyk, E., Sullivan, A., Yan, H., Franklin, C., Sun, Z., Watterson, I., Collier, M., Noonan, J., Rotstayn, L., Stevens, L., Uhe, P. and Puri, K., The ACCESS couple model: documentation of core CMIP5 simulations and initial results, Aust. Met. Oceanogr. J., 63, 83-99, 2013.[pdf]
Marsland, S.J., D. Bi, P. Uotila, R. Fiedler, S. M. Griffies, K. Lorbacher, S. O’Farrell, A. Sullivan, P. Uhe, X. Zhou, A. C. Hirst, Evaluation of ACCESS Climate Model ocean diagnostics in CMIP5 simulations, Aust. Met. Oceanogr. J., 63, 101-119, 2013.[pdf]
Uotila, P., O’Farrell, S., Marsland, S. and Bi, D., The sea-ice performance of the Australian climate models participating in the CMIP5, Aust. Met. Oceanogr. J., 63, 121-143, 2013.[pdf]
Rashid, H., Hirst, A. and Dix, M., Atmospheric circulation features in the ACCESS model simulations for CMIP5: historical simulation and future projections, Aust. Met. Oceanogr. J., 63, 145-160, 2013.[pdf]
Rashid, H., Sullivan, A., Hirst, A., Bi, D., Zhou, X. and Marsland, S., Evaluation of El Niño-Southern Oscillation in the ACCESS coupled model simulations for CMIP5, Aust. Met. Oceanogr. J., 63, 161-180, 2013.[pdf]
Watterson, I., Hirst, A. and Rotstayn, L., A skill score based evaluation of simulated Australian climate, Aust. Met. Oceanogr. J., 63, 181-190, 2013.[pdf]
Bi, D., Marsland, S., Uotila, P., O’Farrell, S., Fiedler, R., Sullivam, A., Griffies, S., Zhou, X. and Hirst, A., ACCESS-OM: the ocean and sea-ice core of the ACCESS coupled model, Aust. Met. Oceanogr. J., 63, 213-232, 2013.[pdf]
Sun, Z., Franklin, C., Zhou, X., Ma, Y., Okely, P., Bi, D., Dix, M., Hirst, A., Shonk, J. and Puri, K., Modifications to atmospheric physical parameterisations aimed at improving SST simulations in the ACCESS coupled model, Aust. Met. Oceanogr. J., 63, 249-259, 2013.[pdf]
Other Papers
Franklin et al, 2013: Evaluation of clouds in ACCESS using the satellite simulator package COSP: Global, seasonal and regional cloud properties. Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres, doi:10,1029/2012JD018469
Franklin et al. 2013: Evaluation of clouds in ACCESS using the satellite simulator package COSP: Regime-sorted tropical cloud properties. (accepted).Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres.
Gregory, J.M., D. Bi, M.A. Collier, M.R., Dix, A.C. Hirst, A. Hu, M. Huber, R. Knutti, S.J. Marsland, M. Meinshausen, H.A. Rashid, L.D. Rotstayn, A. Schurer, and J.A. Church, Climate models without pre-industrial volcanic forcing underestimate historical ocean thermal expansion, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 1–5, doi:10.1002/grl.50339, 2013.
Lorbacher, K., S. J. Marsland, J. A. Church, S. M. Griffies, and D. Stammer (2012), Rapid barotropic sea level rise from ice sheet melting, J. Geophys. Res., 117, C06003, doi:10.1029/2011JC007733.
P. Uotila, S. O’Farrell, S.J. Marsland, D. Bi, A sea-ice sensitivity study with a global ocean-ice model, Ocean Modelling, Volume 51, July 2012, Pages 1-18, ISSN 1463-5003, 10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.04.002.
Technical Reports
Bi, D. and Marsland, S. 2010. Australian Climate Ocean Model (AusCOM) Users Guide. CAWCR Technical Report No. 027
CAWCR Technical Reports No. 58 and No. 59 describe the post-processing and datasets for the ACCESS CMIP5 submission.