Air quality models
Our state-of-the-art air quality modelling capability includes tools that address air quality issues from local to regional scale. Most of the tools we use have been developed in-house or directly with our collaborators. Regional and local meteorological fields needed for air pollution transport calculations are obtained through prognostic models, namely ACCESS, CCAM (CSIRO’s Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model) and TAPM (CSIRO’s The Air Pollution Model), while the dispersion, transport and pollution transformational processes are modelled using CTM (CSIRO’s Chemical Transport Model), TAPM, and Lagrangian particle and analytical models.
ACCESS-UKCA for global climate-chemistry
We use the UKCA (UK Chemistry and Aerosols) model within the ACCESS (Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator) framework to include and understand the role of chemical cycles of reactive gases (e.g. ozone and methane), aerosols, and their interactions, that have important (radiative) feedbacks on the current state and the predictions of the future state of the Earth’s climate. UKCA includes both tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry, and has GLOMAP-mode as the aerosol module.
High performance computer facilities
We use CSIRO’s high performance computing systems (particularly Pearcey and Ruby) and Australia’s National Computational Infrastructure (particularly Raijin) for most of our air quality and climate-chemistry modelling runs.

Raijin is an NCI’s high-performance, distributed-memory cluster